In a statement to the public, the candidate’s campaign Alex Char He explained that he will present the defense arguments in the case of the revocation request that the CNE has reported that it will study.
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The electoral authority has already informed the Cambio Radical candidate of its decision, who said that he respects the National Electoral Council as an authority, as well as all institutions, and therefore he will respond to it in the conditions laid down in the notification order.
“At this stage we will demonstrate to the electoral authority that Mr. Alejandro Char is not involved in any cause of the inability to be elected.” mayor of Barranquilla” one section of the statement reads.
Likewise, they indicate that the lawyers as a campaign have complete peace of mind that there are no arguments to issue a disqualification, which they hope to prove in the coming days.
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Alex Char’s campaign also explained that it is important to point out that every time a case or request comes before the CNE or a court, the magistrates have a duty to take cognizance of the case and then notify the parties involved inform.
Furthermore, the CNE requested the evidence they deem necessary to enrich the case, as well as their defense. “In these terms, it is a procedure that all candidates must adhere to at such events,” the campaign said in the statement.
Finally, the campaign invited all citizens to continue supporting this candidacy, and that on October 29 they will vote for Alex Char as mayor of Barranquilla and Eduardo Verano as governor of Atlántico.
The revocation procedure was initiated by a citizen who believed that the agreements signed between the Metropolitan Fare Stabilization Fund of the Mass Transportation System (Transmetro) and Serfinanza, a credit entity in which Alejandro Char would be a shareholder, disqualify him.
Source: El Heraldo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.