“I am glad that there are people in the Democratic Party who watch me on television in the evenings. After this, there is a serious problem: Some MPs, according to Western intelligence, have established institutional relations with this gentleman. He finances Hamas and terrorists. Among those who took corporate photographs with this gentleman was Ms. Laura Boldrini “There is. I think this is a serious issue.” These are the words of Fratelli d’Italia deputy Giovanni Donzelli, who, in the speeches made at the end of the session, stood up in the hall to respond to his opposition colleagues who objected to some of the sentences spoken during the broadcast “È Together with the newspaper’s director Alessandro Sallusti, together with other deputies, the former President of the Chamber, the philanthropist semper Cartabianca”, which Mohammad Hannoun, the founder of the solidarity association, accused of appearing in corporate photographs. The Palestinian people are an association monitored by Israeli secret services because, according to some rumors, they are suspected of having ties to Hamas.
FDI base accusations
Arturo Scotto, a member of the Democratic Party, rose to intervene with Donzelli: “Words used and used against political opponents are one of the diseases of our age, because the freedom of libel is often confused with political dialectics, and we often see that the connection of the tongue to the brain is a concept that does not yet belong to the entire human race.” We are forced to state that it was a success. However, the eternal legal rule of ancient Rome applies here: ad impossibilia nemo tenetur”.
Donzelli, who is no stranger to exaggerated statements, responded to the accusations by making the situation worse: “There are currently all those who deny Israel’s right to exist and defend itself, but continue to believe that all peoples other than Israel have this right. Behind this defense of Palestine “It leaves room for doubt that a new and insidious anti-Semitism lies.”
Opposition anger
The skies are clear: In a session without great excitement, the hall in the Cesarini district became heated with shouts from the opposition benches directed at the deputy of the prime minister’s party. The first to respond with a very harsh intervention was Nicola Fratoianni, who was also accused by Donzelli: “Yours – thunders the representative of Verdi Sinistra – is a deliberate separatism. You have already tried to accuse at the beginning of the legislature. Accusation of Republican deputies of turning a blind eye to terrorists (some of Alfredo Cospito’s members’ prison visit), but that went badly for you. I repeat, yours is deliberate separatism of which you should be ashamed.”
Conte: “Deliberate insult from Donzelli”
The day ended with Laura Boldrini accepting the solidarity of Giuseppe Conte, the leader of the 5 Star Movement, who has been in the middle of a similar controversy in the Transatlantic corridor in recent days: “Donzelli’s – says the former Prime Minister. – This is a deliberate smear, he could have reduced his accusations, but this Instead, he took the opportunity to restart them and went so far as to accuse a member of the opposition of wanting to destroy the State of Israel, a false and shameful accusation,” said Boldrini, who announced in the afternoon that he wanted to sue Il Giornale, citing the “shameful insult”. He was visibly stunned and chose to drop the subject: “Donzelli is a serial slanderer, it doesn’t even make sense to respond to him because he’s just playing his game”.
Source: Today IT

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.