A nuclear power plant located in Milan, Italy, ready to become operational from 2032. As in 2022, the current Minister of Infrastructure, Matteo Salvini, returned to talk about the possibility of building a new nuclear power plant in our country: “If the switch of the first nuclear power plant in Italy starts in 2024, it could be turned on in 2032. I asked the technicians in my ministry about the feasibility of the project.”
Idea for a new nuclear power plant in Italy
Therefore, the League leader already has in mind where he wants to “locate” the new power plant, a plan that is nothing short of utopian: “As a Milanese, I want the first power plant in Milan. There is a new generation reactor in my city because it is clean, safe and I believe there is constant energy.” “2032 is not a random year,” Salvini underlined. In fact, if everything goes as planned in 2032, the first train will pass through the Turin-Lyon line. In the same year, the first train will go from Bolzano to Innsbruck. Another train will pass through the Bosphorus Bridge in 25 minutes. In 2032, the first train will take the metro connecting the Altar of the Fatherland in Rome to Northern Rome.” The deputy prime minister touched upon the issue of nuclear energy again at a conference held in Rome: “I offer you the convincing support of not only my own political power, but also the entire government.” I want to present. Three ministers are participating in the project. : I’m from League, Pichetto from Forza Italy and Urso from Fratelli d’Italia. There is a general idea of synthesis. Now let’s try to plan. “We need to bring together four ministries, Business, Environment, Infrastructure and Mef, we need coordination and we need to make time for ourselves.”
“Salvini man joke”
The idea Salvini (re)proposed was not welcomed by everyone. Angelo Bonelli, co-spokesperson for Green Europe and member of parliament from the Alliance of Greens and the Left, reacted harshly to the leader of the Northern League and the idea of building a nuclear power plant in the Milan region: “The joker Salvini drove each other out: He wants to build a nuclear power plant in Milan. I, too, have a nuclear power plant in Milan.” I challenge him to have a public confrontation with me in Piazza Duomo to explain that he wants a nuclear power plant and where he will get the money to finance the construction of the plant. I will explain why what he says about power plants and nuclear energy is a joke.
“Just like the Bosphorus Bridge, the Minister of Transport gave us the dates of the construction of the power plant and announced that they could start in 2024 and come into operation in 2032. I wonder what Italy deserves.” I would like to remind Salvini that the French, who are at the forefront in terms of nuclear technology, started building a third-generation plus nuclear power plant in Flamanville in 2006, and 17 years later the work remained unfinished. Moreover, costs increased from 3.7 billion euros to 20 billion euros. The unreliability of Salvini, who went from ‘no to the bridge’ to ‘yes’ in a few years, is shameful. Considering that 1 GW of energy costs around 11 billion euros, tell me who will pay for the construction of these power plants. Salvini explained to the Italians where he would find the money and why he paid back 8 billion euros. Extra profit from energy companies. The truth is that this government wants to loot Italians’ pockets, as it did with natural gas, because it wants to finance a program to build nuclear power plants that is economically unsustainable. “Salvini, who mistook photovoltaic panels for ‘methane panels’ in Genoa in 2020, tells the truth: This government does not want renewable energy because sun and wind are free energy sources.”
Milanese senator and deputy chairman of the Democratic Party group in the Senate, Franco Mirabelli, also commented on Salvini’s project on Facebook: “Besides the absurdity of the proposal, it will be important that the Minister of Infrastructure, who has no idea, also participates in this project. He is competent in the energy sector, He did his job. If Salvini wants to take care of Milan, let him do it by implementing concrete policies on housing. Milan needs investments that will guarantee access to housing for middle-low-income families and interventions that will bring hundreds of houses to life. Erp residences are currently empty. Salvini “, should deal with this as it should be its own business and encourage the Union-governed Region to do so. Milan needs the government to work on creating accessible homes, not to mention imaginary nuclear power plants.” .
Nuclear power plants in Italy
What Minister Salvini wants to build in Lombardy will certainly not be the first and only nuclear power plant on Italian soil. There are currently four facilities in Italy, but all are in the “decommissioning” phase. There are those, one in Trino in the province of Vercelli, another in Caorso (Piacenza), then Latina and Sessa Aurunca in the Caserta region. The largest of the four is the one located in the province of Piacenza: it was designed and built in the 1970s and has 860 megawatts of power produced by a second-generation BWR (Boiling Water Reactor) type plant. Why are all four Italian power plants being decommissioned? In fact, nuclear energy has no longer been “available” in our country since 1980, when the government decided to change its energy policy and not go down the path based on nuclear energy. Italy’s nuclear program was definitively abandoned as a result of two referendums held in 1987 and 2011.
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Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.