Minimum wage rejected by CNEL. Melons: now organic interventions

The CNEL assembly approves the document on minimum wages and precarious work. There are 15 votes against: those of the representatives of CGIL, UIL and USB to which must be added the no of the five (of the eight) experts appointed by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella and that of a representative (of the six present) of the Third Sector. The amendments presented yesterday for a temporary minimum wage trial for the most vulnerable categories were rejected. CNEL president Renato Brunetta exults: “Your presence here attests to the new direction – he begins -. In sixty days we produced an important document. A relaunch of the CNEL and the role of intermediary bodies is underway.” The approved text, in fact, rejects the setting of a minimum wage limit by law, preferring collective bargaining as an instrument to combat precarious work and proposing the “introduction of a negotiated rate” only for “temporary, para-subordinate workers , fictitiously autonomous”. -employee, casual, intern or involuntary part-time”.

The former AP minister defends the work carried out: “We made the choice to stay out of the political conflict. Start from a European directive and not from parliamentary debates”, he assures. Not only. Brunetta responds to those who point the finger at the internal split: “Divided Cnel? No, it is the union that is divided. When the union was unitary, the Cnel always deliberated unanimously. appeared at CNEL. I don’t see a problem”, he insists.

The opposition, however, also thanks to the return to the Labor Committee (expected in the Chamber on the 17th) of its bill that sets the minimum wage at 9 euros per hour, is not in favor. “President Meloni’s attempt to use the CNEL to bury the opposition’s minimum wage proposal failed miserably. The result of the votes on the final document establishes such a strong division within the CNEL that the conclusions presented to the government are greatly weakened”, attacks Elly Schlein. “We are waiting for the government and the majority. We will not tire of putting pressure on them if they decide to flee.”

“President Meloni shows his face when it comes to making some media statement, but he didn’t show his face when it comes to the minimum wage because he sent the ball back to Brunetta’s CNEL and today the perfect crime is committed”, echoes M5S leader Giuseppe Conte which calls on other oppositions to continue to fight the “united battle” together. Carlo Calenda quickly responds, although with different tones: “The CNEL is divided on the minimum wage. Now it is up to Giorgia Meloni to say a word about the Government’s position and how to deal with the problem of poor labor – he says the pen to paper – Let’s avoid, if possible, a parliamentary confrontation. 3.5 million workers are asking us for this.”

Brunetta, however, is not willing to do that. “The CNEL has been deciding by majority for more than ten years, that is, since it was changed”, underline sources from Villa Lubin who then target the M5S leader: “There are those who forget what the Italian Constitution is like, in article 99, entrust CNEL with the task of providing opinions and proposals to the Government and Parliament. It is therefore not a ‘perfect crime’, as stated by Mr. Conte, but rather the free and democratic expression of the social partners in the performance of their institutional functions”, underlining. From Fdi comes the defense of the CNEL of the group’s leader in the Chamber Tommaso Foti. “On the field, several leftists and peduncles in search of an author, only recognize the validity of the game if they win – he says clearly -. If, however, as in the case of the document approved today by the CNEL with a very large majority, the theses they represent are minorities, so they have no choice but to try to delegitimize the arbitrator, in this case the CNEL, a third and independent constitutional body”.

In the evening, Brunetta himself handed the document to Giorgia Meloni. “From the technical analysis received, it is concluded that the Italian labor market fully respects the parameters established by the European directive on adequate minimum wages – comment from the Prime Minister – From here it can be seen that a minimum wage per hour established by law is not the appropriate instrument to combat poor work and low wages”, he abbreviates, committing to plan and implement, within the scope of a multi-annual action plan, “a series of organic measures and interventions”. “It is the path that the Government intends to follow in the shortest possible time, taking maximum account of the indications and suggestions formulated in the document by representatives of the social forces present in the CNEL and those who will come from the opposition”.

Source: IL Tempo
