A secretariat and investments in women, plans by Char, Navarro and Sandoval

In a mass meeting, the candidate Alejandro Char He promised in front of a thousand women to give them his unwavering support as mayor of the city. With emotion and determination in her words, she assured that women will have access to a world of opportunities, including the opportunity to participate in 20,000 entrepreneurship training courses in areas such as beauty, cooking, sewing and other skills.

“There is a dream of Barranquilla women and it is the Women’s Secretariat. Barranquilla deserves it, there are many beaten women, abandoned by their husbands, there are many women who have nowhere to go and it is that secretariat that will provide them with security,” said the candidate.

Also read: CNE steps down and denies withdrawing Char’s candidacy for mayor

The candidate whose inspiration comes from his wife Katia Nule and his mother Adelita de Char, who was his reference for strength and dedication, shared that his dream was during the previous semester empowering women. For this reason, she worked tirelessly so that 8,000 Barranquilla women had access to beauty, cooking and sewing courses, among others. In the next period (2024-2027), it aims to continue this legacy and ensure that 20,000 additional women receive this training so that they can start their business from home.

“And as my mother said, he who does not live to serve is not useful to live,” added Alex Char, who along with his formula: Eduardo Summerwho strives for it Atlantic Governoratepointed out that his government will be “much more social.”

Source: El Heraldo
