Beating for petrism | Forest Act

The elections regional Yesterday was – as the polls indicated – a resounding defeat for the candidates of the Historical Pact, a political alliance that brought Gustavo Petro to the presidency. The most overwhelming and relevant defeats Petrism took place in the country’s main cities: Bogotá, Medellín, Barranquilla and Cali. In all cases, the candidates related to the political project of the Covenant Historical They were swept away by those who will be in charge of their cities and departments from January 1st.

Also read: ‘There were no deaths, injuries or armed confrontations on election day’

Yesterday’s results reflect the non-conformity of the regions with the candidates who received the open support of the Government nationalas is the case with the candidate for governor of Córdoba, Gabriel Calle, brother of the President of the Chamber of Representatives, Andrés Calle, one of the big losers of the day.

Another disastrous outcome for Petro’s followers was the loss devastating from Gustavo Bolívar in Bogotá, who finished third, far from the winner First roundCarlos Fernando Galán, and also a far cry from the second, Juan Daniel Oviedo, who won the election revelation. In the last elections, Bogotá had become the great electoral fortress of Petrism in Colombia.

Also read: The Public Prosecution Service registered 102 arrests for election crimes on voting day

In Barranquilla, as expected, the triumph of Alexander Char It was devastating, just like Federico ‘Fico’ Gutiérrez’s in Medellín. In both Barranquilla and Medellín, the mayors will be occupied by those who have shown themselves openly antipetristas. In Cali the surprise came from Alejandro Eder, who defeated Roberto Ortiz.

The novelty – in what it has to do with Barranquilla– is that for the first time relations between the capital of the Atlantic Ocean and the House of Nariño will not be so friendly, as happened in the recent past with the governments of Álvaro Uribe, Juan Manuel Santos and Iván Duque. It is known that Char is not one of the affections of Petronor Petro of Char’s affection.

This fact will undoubtedly represent a huge challenge for the new mayor barranquillawho have to work hard to manage the resources and show Good Resultsas he did in his two previous governments, where he achieved ratings of back and approval over 90 percent.

Also read: “I hope citizens will act wisely in light of the results”: Petro

Something similar will happen with the new governor, the Liberal Eduardo Summerwho also have to work hard to show Good Resultsas happened in the recent past.

How was the new one formed? card electorally in the country and what will be the relations with the national government?

Source: El Heraldo
