Works that paved the way for Alejandro Char to his second re-election

Efrain Cepeda Tarudexecutive chairman of Atlantic Interguild Commissionexplained that the election, for the third time, of Álex Char as Mayor of Barranquilla is a recognition of the need to continue the process that started in 2008 with his first government, when the district finances were cleaned up and the actions that made this possible have made progress in closing social gaps, restoring public services, improving infrastructure with working neighborhoods and channel stream.

In addition to the coverage and quality of health and education systems, and the creation and restoration of public spaces that have a major impact on quality of life, such as parks and the Great Malecon.

Cepeda Tarud assured that in this process, public-private coordination has been successful and must be maintained, because the evolution of the city is the responsibility not only of the district administration, but also of businessmen, as evidenced by what the city has done in this area reaches. last 16 years.

And to consolidate the transformation process, it is believed that restoring the security of citizens “the big priority”because it is a “unavoidable situation” for general well-being, collective trust, the strength of institutions, attracting investments and tourists and business development.

(Also see: The five socio-economic challenges for Barranquilla)

At the same time, according to Cepeda, the arrival of investments in strategic sectors that generate high levels of employment should be promoted and the growth of companies operating in the city should be encouraged.

In this sense, he recalled that companies are the productive fabric, the generator of social prosperity thanks to the jobs they create and maintain, also because they stimulate the economy and contribute to the strengthening of district finances through tax payment.

“Creating more favorable conditions for their performance is crucial for generating employment and reducing both business and labor informality,” he said.

To achieve these positive results, we must continue to improve and strengthen the quality of primary and secondary education higher educationthe technical and technological in accordance with the needs of the labor market, in collaboration with companies and academia and providing continuity to the bilingualism and English for work program.

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Horacio Brievacolumnist and director of Pro-transparencypointed out that while he is a proponent of democratic renewal among elites, it is the voters who ultimately decide which candidate they validate.

In the case of Alejandro Char, according to Brieva, there is a mix of factors that explain his re-election: on the one hand, there is his “powerful personal charisma”, which is not questioned by anyone, including his opponents; the balance of executions, both of him and of the mayors elected under his political leadership (Elsa Noguera De la Espriella And Jaime Pumarejo Heins), as well as the works that have influenced the development of the city in recent years, such as the canalization of streams, the promenade, schools, health posts, hospitals and the paving of roads.

“It is its performance that explains why it is once again receiving such abundant electoral support,” Brieva said.

Regarding what comes from Alejandro Char’s government, Brieva said he hopes that a major effort will be made to, for example, improve safety and food security, make contracting processes clearer and more democratic and allow citizens’ participation in decision-making to improve. , in the budget.

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Informal sellers also supported a third government of Alejandro Char. Continuing resettlement projects and support for small traders has built the confidence of this sector of the economy that connects more than just countries. 20 thousand families.

Joaquin Cervantespresident of Asovendedores, said the voters’ support was prompted by the investment projects in the city’s social and infrastructure, especially the relocation plans to improve the working conditions of the informal seller.

“Today we can say that thanks to the good relations we have had with the governments of Alejandro Char, the seller today has a decent and social space in the city Barranquilla, which I didn’t have before. We are still working on the issue of the move, there are other moves that need to take place, with the help of God and political goodwill, but at the same time the issue of the follow-up or the part that the move needs to do is the economic strengthening”.

In this sense, he said that much progress has been made in the relocation seller and in the financial cooperation programs to improve the economic situation of the informal sector.

Source: El Heraldo
