Tax evasion, Licia Ronzulli makes it clear to Parenzo: “We’re not going to find out today”

On L’Aria che tira, a politics and current affairs program that airs every morning on La7, the topic of tax evasion generated debate. 0.12% of taxpayers declare income exceeding 300 thousand euros: this was the value that started the discussion. Guest in the studio, Licia Ronzulli took the floor and explained the government’s commitment to trying to concretely reduce taxes and, thus, benefit citizens who earn less. “This government has lowered taxes and it shows. We already did this in a previous maneuver, just three weeks after taking office, to reduce the tax burden”, recalled the leader of the Forza Italia group.

Interviewed by presenter David Parenzo, Ronzulli explained that, although “all the opposition” was betting “on the fact that we will not maintain this measure”, “we also reconfirmed it in this maneuver, therefore also for next year”. The leader of the Forza Italia group admitted that the resources available to the country, it is true, must be explored with foresight: “It is obvious that the blanket is short: no one says that there is so much money that we can lower taxes as we would have liked. Even in rates we went from 4 to 3. We are working to lower taxes, to reduce taxes: especially for the most vulnerable categories, those who earn less, pensioners”.

The senator then clarified: “It is not a true tax reform: these are tools that we are using, they are interventions that tend to reestablish the relationship between the State and citizens. We want to bring back the president’s old liberal recipe. Berlusconi: if we all pay, we will pay less.” At that point Parenzo asked the guest if she was impressed with the numbers shown in the studio. Runzulli was clear: “We didn’t discover today that in this country only civil servants or those who have a salary pay taxes because it is taken straight from the source”, he commented.

Source: IL Tempo
