«It is a buffer measure that follows the logic of the emergency. But immigration is a structural fact of the planet. It is necessary for the EU to make its voice heard in an even more important way, but this time too it has chosen not to play a role.” Marco Minniti, former Minister of the Interior, says this in an interview with Corriere della Sera.
«We will have to see how this translates into concrete terms – he says – An asylum seeker was asked to name his lawyer and speak to him. What will happen? Will lawyers go to Albania? He will come? Who will pay? I would not like this complicated management to jeopardize the right to defense, especially of an asylum seeker.” Europe “missed a series of opportunities. The last one was at the extraordinary summit in Malaga, where it was necessary to present the economic support plan to Africa and the proposed pact with the African Union and the UN to combat illegal flows and build legal routes.” “If these things had been done before October 7th, Europe would have laid a bridge of confidence towards Africa and the Mediterranean of great value in the current storm.”
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.