The first stages of a difficult election campaign. In which you will have to demonstrate that you are still capable of bringing home the desired results. But as the years pass, the desire to hurl venomous barbs at former Democratic Party comrades remains the same. Unchanged. Matteo Renzi started his race with an eye on the administrative and continental vote in June. Bologna first and then Florence were the first two stops on the tour titled “Volare alto”. “I suggested to Stefano Bonaccini that he run for national secretary of the Democratic Party after me and he didn’t listen to me. Then I suggested that he run after Martina and he didn’t listen to me. Then I suggested that he run after Zingaretti and he didn’t listen to me. From that moment on, I stopped giving suggestions to Stefano, who I love very much.”
It is impossible not to touch on one of the issues with the greatest friction between Democrats and centrists: the Employment Law. “The only one complaining is Elly Schlein who didn’t read it, but as soon as she reads it she will be on our side, because we reduced precarious employment and gave more protection and rights to workers.” One hundred kilometers further south, in Florence, some themes change (partially), but not the leitmotif. “Highlanders running for mayor? For the Democratic Party it’s the best choice if they want to make a deal with the Five Star Movement, obviously we won’t be there, but I hope he runs. Nardella? He will be the true kingmaker, but on the contrary: whoever supports him will not be mayor, his embrace runs the risk of making Cecilia Del Re win. I’m just saying this, I challenge the left-wing Democratic Party: I’m ready to make a center- it came out of the Florence agreement, but the Democratic Party invests the money in public housing, not in the stadium. About security, not about the stadium. On the outskirts, not in the stadium. About cleanliness, not about the stadium. Montanari is the most suitable example of the ideological left that can underlie the Conte-Schlein axis. Conte played well this time: who better than Montanari and where better than in Florence? The problem is that Tomaso doesn’t have the courage to run if he isn’t sure of winning”.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.