Last April 27, 95 pages containing the justifications of the sentence regarding the “State – Mafia meeting” that finalized the acquittal decisions of former ROS officers, generals Mario Mori and Antonio Subranni, Carabinieri officer Giuseppe De Donnoe and Carabinieri officer Giuseppe De Donnoe were published. former Forza Italia senator Marcello Dell’Utri.
Forza Italia and the Berlusconi government acted with a “guarantee mission”
“Merit sentences – as the judges of the Supreme Court’s sixth criminal chamber wrote – agree to exclude the fact that the legislative initiatives of the Government and the Forza Italia party were determined or conditioned by the threat of the mafia, because they, by virtue of the alleged “guarantee” duty, were subject to certain measures adopted by previous governments. ideal reasons for such a movement, which has long fought against anti-mafia measures”.
“Sentences that effectively foregrounded a historiographical approach to the interpretation of evidentiary data – we read again in the reasons – eventually led to the loss of the centrality of the charge to the scheme of the criminal case, with great efforts devoted to establishing the crime, which often had little or no relevance to the economics of the judiciary.” non-existent facts”.
There was no threat to the governments of Amato and Ciampi
According to the high judges, the evidence that the crime of threatening against the governments of Amato and Ciampi was committed is “the absence of sufficient evidentiary effectiveness” and the so-called “State-Mafia negotiation” – we read it again on page 95 – “A behavior that is not punishable in criminal legislation does not constitute a crime in itself”. The contacts that took place between ROS members and Cosa Nostra members following the Capaci massacre appear to have “minimal relevance, commensurate with questionable threatening behavior against the Government.”
“Fire charges” against former Ros leaders
The Supreme Court judges state that the dialogue promoted by Mori and De Donno with Ciancimino “aims to understand the conditions and seek to open a dialogue in order to stop the murders and massacres through ‘cosa nostra’.” A ruthless criminal organization cannot assume the objective value of incitement to threaten the State”. The initiative by ROS senior officers was not actually intended to encourage the ‘cosa nostra’ to address threats to the Government, but rather to “pursue the opposite aim of putting an end to the season of slaughter , aimed at “trying to understand whether the massacre took place. The possible circumstances raised by the latter may or may not be assessed with a view to preventing further criminal attacks”.
In their case, the senior judges argue: “Mori, Subranni and De Donno intended the massacre or decapitation through the capture of adherents of the militarist wing, as later occurred with the arrest of Salvatore Rina on January 15, 1993.” There is therefore an irreconcilable logical contradiction between the subjective element activated in the conversation of the three ROS officers with the mafia leaders and the recognition of the objective facilitating value of the mafia threat to their conduct”.
Berlusconi was aware of the contracts
The reasons for the sentence include the relationship between Dell’Utri and Silvio Berlusconi, who, in the opinion of the judges, was aware of the contacts between the former senator and high-ranking representatives of the mafia. “To exclude Berlusconi from the dangerous relations that Dell’Utri maintained with the mafia leaders would mean, unreasonably, to imagine that the defendant alone, without informing the owner, made decisions on vital issues related to collective security, increasingly including the stability of the majority coalition the increasing threat of new massacres”.
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Source: Today IT
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.