Strike on November 17th, Bombardieri goes straight: “We will not respect the Guarantor’s prohibitions”

Open confrontation between unions and politicians because of the November 17th strike. The general secretary of the Uil, Pier Paolo Bombardieri, guest of Tagadà on La7, commented on the Fiador’s position in Friday’s general strike called by the CGIL and the Uil as follows: “They are experts appointed by this government. Explaining to trade union organizations that this is not a general strike, but rather an intersectoral strike, is a singular stance, a vision. We have no intention of respecting the prohibitions of the guarantee commission, the government. It is strange that the minister says something and that it coincides exactly with what the Commission says, it seems to be the guarantee commission of Minister Salvini’s Government”.

In addition to Bombardieri’s words, it is worth highlighting the note from CGIL and UIL to confirm the unions’ intention to move forward with 24-hour mobilization in the local transport sector even after the Strike Guarantor’s ‘recall’: “We confirm the strike proclamation general and its implementation methods for November 17th. We do not agree with the decision made by the Guarantee Committee. This is an interpretation that, by not recognizing the regulation of the general strike, actually calls into question the effective exercise of the right to strike enshrined in the Constitution for all workers. Abstention from work on November 17th cannot be interpreted in any other way, it falls within the scope of the general strike. We are attentive and respect the rules, so much so that we requested a discussion with the Commission which, despite our specific arguments, decided to confirm the provision”.

“The Commission – according to the unions – does not explain, however, on what regulatory basis it decided that this is not a general strike. Finally, we confirm our willingness to adhere to the Commission’s recommendations for the firefighting and air transport sectors.”

Source: IL Tempo
