The joke is simple: from “thing” to “alternative”. 35 years (almost) of the left. When Achille Occhetto impressed upon the Italian Communist Party about Bolognina’s turning point, he supported the need to start with the programmatic contents and then arrive at the name. In fact, for a long time there was talk of “the Thing” (before arriving at the Left Democratic Party), a pseudo-journalistic brand applied to politics that was not exactly popular, given that it was also the title of a horror film from those years. Elly Schlein coined a new term in the square on Saturday, “the alternative”. In other words, a center-left coalition, as broad as possible, that could represent a competing model to that expressed by the center-right government. More than three decades later, the “thing” and the “alternative” have some aspects in common. Both represent a path to finding a key to understanding the non-reformist left with regard to the changing world. At the time, it was necessary to rebuild a face and a soul for the main left-wing party after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Today we need to redesign an essence in the face of another acceleration in history, with the collapse of globalization and the rearrangement of geopolitical balances, new forms of work organization, the irruption of technology in all corners of society, public or private. The Thing, in its first evolutionary step, that is, the PDS, initially enjoyed an advantage on the ground, cleared by judicial proceedings of the parties that governed the government of this country since the birth of the Republic. But then there was the unexpected arrival of Silvio Berlusconi and the Thing became an “anti” force. The “alternative” does not have this field advantage, but in any case it is already well designed in the “anti” practice, as seen on Saturday in the square. Because beyond the opposition to the government and those who lead it, beyond the construction of a history that sees all the worst that exists in Italy’s command, in reality the foundations of a synergistic and competitive political bloc are not visible. In addition to the Democratic Party, Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli from Alleanza Verdi and Sinistra were also in the square on Saturday. But there was also, the most expected presence, Giuseppe Conte, leader of the 5 Star Movement, accompanied by former Mayor Roberto Fico, the latter always hoped for an alliance with the Nazareno party. Conte left the square long before the Democratic secretary made his speech. This is a detail, but it still stands out. At the very least, however, it was not challenged by anyone, unlike when, on the contrary, Elly Schlein received more than one whistle when she appeared a few months ago to wish “a good show” to Giuseppe Conte’s procession in Rome to promote the minimum wage (one that was later devastated by Grillo’s destructive on-stage intervention). Well, if Conte on the sidelines of the event in Piazza del Popolo felt quite cold in the wide field (preferring, in his words, the “right field”), the following day he wrote: «I was with friends at the PD demonstration to confirm the ongoing dialogue.
We don’t live in envy, the square was packed and it was a beautiful sight, but I represent a distinct force and while I’m there I won’t allow anyone to think that the M5S can act as a branch or crutch for someone else ». In short, continuous dialogue but still positions to try to obtain primacy in the area, and it is to be believed that this will be the case until the European elections, taking into account the proportional voting system where everyone goes for themselves. If we then look at the content, an interview with former minister Stefano Patuanelli stands out, highlighting how the position regarding the war in Ukraine is a point that distances the Five Star Movement from the Democratic Party. In reality, there are other points of differentiation, namely that of the migration dossier. Giuseppe Conte, a few weeks ago, accused his virtual allies of having a line that does not go beyond “open doors”, provoking a very angry reaction from the Democratic Party elite. There were also different points of view, for example, on the issue of justice, given the elimination of the crime of abuse of power. All this shows that the photographic opportunity at events is not enough, and that the construction site is too complicated to build the “alternative”. Unless you just want to use the “anti” mortar, but that would be a movie you’ve already seen.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.