Strike, even communist Rizzo accuses Landini: “He betrayed the workers”

If a true communist like Marco Rizzo goes so far as to deplore the way the CGIL is led, it means that times have truly changed. The former deputy and former parliamentarian, who founded Sovereign and Popular Democracy with Francesco Toscano, spares no criticism of Maurizio Landini. He is not even tender with Matteo Salvini, although perhaps that is to be expected.

In this confrontation over the strike on Friday, November 17th, who is right between the two, Salvini or Landini?

«Both are wrong. Salvini criticizes Landini for being a trade unionist. In fact, Landini is not a union. No way”.

Of course, what does he do?

“Do nothing. These strikes occur when the world of work has been completely destroyed: by privatizations, by JobsAct, by article 18. They have destroyed everything. Is Landini on strike now? What did you do when Fornero raised the retirement age? They went into strike for four hours. So I know that Landini was secretary of Fiom at the time, but in any case it was an important thing.”

So why do they want to attack now?

«Because now the center-right rules. A center-right who did and continues to do the same things that Draghi did. Because Salvini and Meloni got their votes by talking about quota 41, money for people with disabilities, money for pensions. Then they did exactly what Draghi told them to do, that is, they did the opposite of what they said to get votes. So if I have to give the thumbs up as to which of the two is right, the answer is none. Let’s be clear: Salvini does his part. But he betrayed what he told the electorate. Precisely for this reason he must fulfill the role of attacking Landini. And what should Landini say after having betrayed the workers for more than twenty years? He must attack Salvini. They help each other. But the substance is that today the job market in Italy has been betrayed.”

Is it in the interests of workers to strike on November 17th?

«As we don’t live on Mars, there is a concrete example of what should be done. In France, they raised the retirement age from 62 to 64 years. In Italy, the Democratic Party and CGIL governments increased to 67 accomplices, who only went on strike for 4 hours. Ms. Fornero completed the task she was assigned to do. Without firing a shot. In France, however, they fought a battle that lasted months. This is unionization. This is fighting a political-social battle. I, who have been a member of the CGIL for 35 years, allow myself to say that in France this was possible precisely because there is no CGIL. Because today the great CGIL that belonged to Di Vittorio, betrayed to the core by the union consultation, by the fact that it sat at social tables with the government and employers, destroyed what our parents had done.”

Landini protests against the non-approval of the minimum wage. That is good?

«You talk about a minimum wage when there are 22 national contracts, with salaries well below 9 euros. Which are still a misery. Contracts all signed by the concertative union, with CGIL in the lead. On May 30th of this year, for example, the private security contract was renewed with an hourly salary of around 5 euros. Then, footwear again, at 7.9 euros; those in the naval industry at 7.6 euros; those in the glass industry at 7.1 euros; agricultural workers at 7 euros per hour; cleaning company workers at 8.1 euros. Landini should be ashamed. Concerted unions do not serve workers, they are only convenient for union members.”

Among other things, in the last legislature the CGIL did not support the minimum wage…

«Because Conte and Draghi governed. That’s why CGIL pretended nothing happened.” Who gives the line, CGIL to PD or PD to CGIL? «Draghi gives to both. I posted a photo on Twitter of Draghi with his hand on Landini’s shoulder . This image says it all. This is the hand that American presidents place over all other presidents. Biden did this with Johnson, with Macron. The only one who didn’t want this hand was Raul Castro with Obama.” Should CISL have joined the strike? «This is also part of role-playing. When Cgil and Uil say one more eyelash, they will have to say no, it must be cut in half again. These are unions that serve union members.”

To do what?

«To earn a living. Then, after their career in the union, they go to Parliament. They all did it like that. Di Vittorio, however, was not finished. The big CGIL wasn’t that thing.”

Source: IL Tempo
