For the generation over 55, health is the most important choice issue. Young people are putting the housing market at the forefront of the campaign. Concerns about financial difficulties along with rising prices come second.
This emerged from a representative online survey conducted by Ipsos on behalf of NOS. The study focused on young people between the ages of 18 and 34; So when Mark Rutte became prime minister for the first time in 2010, part of the generation was still playing with the building blocks, and another part was allowed to vote for the first time.
Ipsos examined not only what issues are important to the younger generation this election, but also who they most want to see in the Tower after the election and which politicians they value.
important topics
Climate is the third issue in this group, but when young people indicate which issue plays an important role for them when choosing a party, climate is no longer in the top 10. This was the case in the 2021 elections.
Young people are still worried about the climate, says Ipsos researcher Sander Nieuwkerk. For example, the survey shows that 40 percent of respondents believe that climate change is at a critical stage and the world needs to act now.
“However, it plays a less important role in this election campaign than in the 2021 elections. “And because not all parties are very clear on this issue, climate concerns are not reflected in the voting decision.”
For young people, money concerns are a determining factor in voting for a particular party. “We see a combination here with other issues as well. Students who have difficulty finding a room are also worried about the high rent. Or, for example, young professionals who can buy a house but are worried about high energy bills,” he explains to Nieuwkerk.
Other preference
The younger generation’s preference for the new prime minister is different than other age groups. They prefer to see party leader Frans Timmermans from GroenLinks-PvdA in the Tower, while voters over 35 prefer Omtzigt (NSC).
In terms of generations, VVD’s Yeşilgöz ranks second. In third place among young voters is PVV’s Wilders, the most well-known politician among young people.
Political scientist Roderik Rekker says it is noteworthy that Omtzigt is less successful among young people, but this does not surprise him. “New parties are generally welcomed by young voters. But the Christian Democrats are less popular among young people and Omtzigt’s new party has many similarities with them.”
PvdA was also unpopular among young people. “GroenLinks, on the other hand, does this, so it is hardly surprising that Timmermans has been successful as a pioneer of this new combination.”
higher rating
According to research by Ipsos, leaders of left-wing parties receive higher ratings from young people on average than in the rest of the Netherlands. For example, Jetten (D66) is doing relatively well among young voters.
It scores 5.8 compared to 4.8 overall in the Netherlands. Timmermans (GroenLinks-PvdA), Ouwehand (Animal Protection Party), Van Baarle (Denk) and Dassen (Volt) are also rated better by young people.
Young people often vote for different parties than the older generation. “It is more common for young people to vote for radical progressive parties and less often for the traditional middle party. “This is also because they came of age politically at a different time when society’s expenses were already paid in euros.” “Multicultural issues and climate change were on the agenda more frequently,” says Rekker.
Source: NOS
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.