He hit Maurizio Landini mercilessly. The president of the Azzurri deputies, Paolo Barelli, speaking at the Forza Italia ‘Etna23’ meeting underway in Taormina, certainly did not have sweet words for the CGIL number one: “The demonstration on the strike, which was a failure, organized by the real secretary of the Democratic Party, who is Landini and not Elly Schlein, shows that the left feels strong when it speaks, but we are the ones who really protect the interests of Italian workers and are recognized for it.”
“A party is such if it knows how to influence and is present – commented Barelli regarding the FI -. If the arrow in the surveys is green, it is because we are on the right path both in institutional buildings and in territories. We are an indispensable force in the center-right government because we are moderate, but we are determined and straight-backed. As happened with the tax on banks’ extraordinary profits or the increase in the flat tax on short-term rentals. We intervene strongly in these issues to defend the country’s interests and because we have always been the party against taxes. If today the three rating agencies improved their judgment on our economic and financial situation, in this time of serious crisis, it is because we had the right balance, placing the issues in the correct light which – says Barelli – would have created damage to our image “. A message also to the government’s allies.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.