Giulia Cecchettin, who accuses Feltri: “Who is to blame for the feminicides”

Drama Giulia Cecchettin, at these times we reflect on the flaws of what is happening before our eyes. Vittorio Feltri also talks about this in his column published in Il Giornale on November 21st. According to the editorial director, however, the responsibilities do not lie with the patriarchy and the left cannot continue to teach lessons based on a moral superiority that has never been demonstrated. “If someone in Italy is a misogynist – attacks Feltri – then that someone is precisely the progressive and hypocritical left who, however, would like to explain to us how girls should be treated”.

Feltri emphasizes that we cannot talk about state homicide, but criminal responsibility is personal. “Femicide is not a rule, it is an exception whose only perpetrator is not the State or even society, but rather the one who takes the gun and kills. And it is from this perspective that we must discuss feminicide and gender-based violence, ceasing to criminalize men, defining them as “toxic”, fomenting unmotivated hatred against a gender considered independently guilty, namely men, for whom they are not to blame. and that he is not an enemy of the opposite sex…I’m tired of this false and flawed narrative. Just like I’m tired of listening to the same old TV commentators who always repeat the same things, feeding us the same sickening rubbish every day. At this point, I can no longer bear so much banality, which translates into mediocrity. Today I even feel nauseous.”

Source: IL Tempo
