Procaccini: “Good teamwork in Italy on packaging”

To change the European Parliament’s negotiating position on the packaging regulation, a “good team effort” was made by Italian MEPs of all political persuasions. The co-president of the Ecr group, Nicola Procaccini (Fdi), highlighted this in Strasbourg.

«We noted with great satisfaction – he says – the fact that all the main changes, which were transversal, with the delegation of IDE and other Italian delegations», were approved and «brought the text back to earth». «Just to name a few – he continues – the exclusion of wine and alcoholic beverages from the reuse obligation, instead of the emission of 85% recycled material in the production of packaging. A change we proposed, to completely exclude nations that exceed 85% recycling from the reuse obligation, was not approved. If this amendment had been approved, we would have voted in favor.” «There was good teamwork – he adds – is what I want to say. As Italians, I did not see the votes of my colleagues from the Democratic Party or the M5S, but I believe that, For the first time, even center-left delegations collaborated to change a text that is now decidedly less worrying than it was at the beginning,” he concludes.

Source: IL Tempo
