Forza Italia, Gasparri aims high: we can reach 20% in 2027

Maurizio Gasparri makes no secret of it and aims for the exponential growth of Forza Italia. “We do not set limits for ourselves, we must be optimistic and we must consider the potential of a moderate zone which in Italy has always had a broad and widespread consensus in the various phases of our country’s history and which Forza Italia has already achieved and surpassed in terms of levels of consensus”, words from the president of the Italian senators to AdnKronos, responding to the challenge launched by Tajani regarding the objective of reaching 20% ​​in two years. A percentage that would double the current consensus that polls attribute to the Azzurri. “When Antonio talks about double digits in the European elections, about a target of 20% in the political elections that are scheduled for 2027, he is saying something that he believes in and we believe with him – explains Gasparri – and that is certainly within our reach. It will depend on us and many other circumstances that only real life will confront us with.”

“The June elections – he says again referring to the European elections on June 9 – are our fundamental moment and there we will see our fixation, our spread, the number that will indicate our value. Like Tajani, I hope for a double-digit result and we will work intensely in these months to demonstrate the indispensability of Forza Italia in the Italian political scene and within the center-right coalition”. The Azzurri want to demonstrate that even without Silvio Berlusconi the party can be successful.

Source: IL Tempo
