Crosetto, “judicial aggression against the government”. The background to the center-right’s fears

Guido Crosetto’s words to the Corriere della Sera opened a new political front. And it is the same newspaper that asked the Minister of Defense to reconstruct feelings within the center-right coalition regarding the issue of judicial power: “In right-wing parliamentary groups and even at Palazzo Chigi there is fear that a part of the judicial power, the alleged “red sleeves” of Berlusconi’s memory, is about to unleash a “judicial attack” on the government. The feeling that everyone agrees on, including supporters of the Northern League and Forza Italia, is that something big is in the air and that – writes Monica Guerzoni – the objective is to hinder the race of the coalition led by Giorgia Meloni towards the European elections in June .

“If he said what he said, there must be something…” the reasoning of Tommaso Foti, leader of the ruling Brothers group in Italy, about Crosetto’s intervention. And in fact, we read again in the newspaper, “it is the idea of ​​a push that moves the majority. The Prime Minister learned about this final step against the judges in the interview and, according to what her party says, shares with Crosetto the fear that ‘a part of the judicial power is moving to the left.'” And she stood up. There is the possibility that something serious could worry the founder of the FdI and the minister himself. The topic was discussed and debated among the ministers, with the search for possible profiles that could end up in the Justice meat grinder.

Source: IL Tempo
