Europe agrees with Meloni. Pnrr, the fourth installment promotes Italy

Pnrr, the European Commission approved the fourth installment of Pnrr for Italy. Satisfaction is expressed by Prime Minister Meloni, who considers the fourth installment a demonstration of our country’s progress on the path to modernization. «The Commission’s positive assessment demonstrates the great progress made by Italy and, a few days after the approval by the European Commission of the general review of the Pnrr, confirms the Government’s great commitment to fully implementing the Pnrr to make the country more modern and more competitive .” Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said this in a video message on social media after the European Commission approved Italy’s fourth payment request, for 16.5 billion euros.

Meloni explains that «the objectives and targets achieved in the fourth installment concern important reforms in the sectors of social inclusion and public contracts, as well as measures necessary to continue the implementation of reforms in the areas of justice and public administration». «The main investments covered by the payment request – recalls the Prime Minister – are linked to digitalization, particularly with regard to the transition of local public administration data to the cloud, the development of the space industry, green hydrogen, transport , research, education and social policies”.

Source: IL Tempo
