The chamber approved the decree on immigrants, which the government relied on yesterday, with 162 votes in favour, 106 against and 2 abstentions. The measure now moves to the Senate.
Harsh criticism came from the opposition, who accused Giorgia Meloni’s manager of using these rules to spread propaganda. Speaking in the parliament, Democratic Party deputy Gianni Cuperlo said, “With this decree on immigration, we have reached four people, one in four, as in the old report cards in the past. You have introduced the uncivilized rule regarding bail.” 5 thousand euros in order not to find yourself in a reception center until the agreement with Albania, which will cost a lot, complicate a lot and solve nothing. The truth is, you don’t know how to manage what you baptized. It has been an urgent situation for years, but it is not an emergency, it is a phenomenon of our age and therefore requires a perspective consistent with our principles of civilization on a human level. We think these rules are being trampled on. About the Constitution”.
“Solidarity is considered a crime”
Pierfrancesco Majorino, regional councilor in Lombardy and immigration director of the party led by Elly Schlein, tells He explains that “the decree is terrible and fragile at the same time: on the one hand, it continues to criminalize solidarity, and on the other hand, it does not strengthen the quality reception system”.
Measures for unaccompanied minors
The aim is to discuss the rules regarding minors. In fact, the decree provides that the public security authority can carry out anthropometric measurements and other socio-health checks, including radiographic checks, on persons who declare themselves underage, so that their age can be determined precisely. “When it comes to minors – continues Majorino – we are faced with the most glaring injustice, because the superficial management of children and adults together is strengthened. And this government continues to fail to do things that can be truly beneficial: I’m talking about legal channels. Ensuring access is widespread, primarily for children and women and a serious dialectical dialogue with Europe to achieve the mission of quality reception and subsequent community recovery and forced redistribution.
“The government profits from fear”
For the Democratic immigration chief, the initiatives of the administration led by Giorgia Meloni, from the Cutro decisions to the agreement with Albania, are nothing more than weapons of mass distraction. “The government – explains Majorino – aims to profit from the fear that unmanaged immigration can cause. We are faced with a strategy based on the principle: I will do anything to stop them coming, I ask others to do the job. And I tell my voters that I do not want immigrants. The result is terrible: human rights violations.” zero respect, an increase in irregular arrivals and major disturbances, as will happen in Albania, where the majority of immigrants are located. Those who cannot be deported will be sent back to their countries, after a few months they will return to Italy. Moreover, these are useless measures and have no effect: because the removals are increasing day by day “.
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Source: Today IT

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.