“We gave them the green light”: The feminist claim about the attack on Pro Vita. And the left is silent
Words condemning the attack on the spokesperson of the Palestinian Student Movement by another woman on the street, but also a proud statement for the attack on the headquarters of Pro Vita & Famiglia in Rome on Saturday, November 25, organized by the “Non una di meno” movement against violence against women on the occasion of the great mobilization. It is perfect. After the demonstration ended, transfeminist organizers commented on everything on their social profiles, making a clear distinction between the violent incidents that occurred around the march.
A few hours later, they summarized in the first post: “We reiterated that we stand with the Palestinian people, shouted against Valditara and the emotional education project, condemned the secondary victimization that the journalistic narrative inflicts on the Palestinian people. Those who are subjected to violence”. And again: “We approved the headquarters of Pro Vita & Famiglia as an expression of crude and anti-choice patriarchy. We choose our bodies! Access to abortion continues to be blocked and denied in Italy.” About 200 people surrounded the headquarters of the ultra-Catholic association on Saturday, chanting hateful slogans, throwing smoke bombs and glass bottles, and vandalizing walls and shop windows, some of which were destroyed. The images are before everyone’s eyes, but their version includes the police: “The police, who recently demonstrated here in support of women and with posts and statements against gender-based violence, beat the demonstrators. Those who expressed their opposition in front of the headquarters of a misogynistic organization such as Provita, who is currently in the hospital for control, and this That’s why we stand with those who were beaten and their families.” At that time, a message of solidarity came from Maya Issa (Spokesperson of the Palestinian Student Movement): “She was invited by us to give a speech from the truck while a large Palestinian flag was unfurled, and she walked away from Circus Maximus to try it. Maya Issa, who wanted to make a phone call, was on the street while walking.” A woman insulted and physically attacked her on the grounds that she was Palestinian. For this reason, Maya Issa could not reach the main truck, where she was supposed to intervene initially. We read the rest of the procession – but then Maya, who managed to speak from the second truck, told the microphone about what happened to her on the street during her speech and “It immediately took away our solidarity and embrace of brotherhood. I will stand in solidarity with Maya, with those who brought Palestinian flags to the parade, and with those fighting for a free Palestine.” Despite Saturday’s demonstration being so well attended due to the dramatic current situation of femicide and violence against women, the issue of Palestine is clearly on the agenda.
Today, three days later, a new post in which they claim other actions and return to talk about the serious attack on the Pro Vita headquarters: “Meanwhile, various actions took place in the Department of Social Policies of the municipality of Rome, in the Colosseum, in a bank, Provita Celere and riot police attacked the mass protest at the headquarters of e Famiglia, injuring some demonstrators and not causing those present at the parade to think twice, the anti-abortion and homolesbian-transphobic organization that has come to the fore once again in recent days with its anti-education campaign against diversity in schools determined to report”. They still insist on the attack: “Meloni mystifies the reality by talking about a ruined headquarters; the prime minister’s sole words do not seem to grasp the extent of what has been done. Minister Roccella ignores the square, describing it as ‘ideological'”, already implemented by Salvini and Elena Cecchettin “An operation that failed miserably in its attempt to discredit. It seems clear that the real problem for the government is women and LGBTQIAPK+* individuals who are rebelling against the subaltern and patriarchal violence that is their lot.”
The silence of the left
According to “Non una di meno” transfeminists, if instrumental and misleading remarks are coming from the right, they are definitely not coming from the left. There is no condemnation of what is happening, no solidarity, even from those in the streets, like Elly Schlein, the secretary of the Democratic Party. Many argue that double standards have dusted off the attack on CGIL’s national headquarters at the hands of some far-right sections in October 2021, which was branded unchallenged by all political groups. Words of condemnation come from CGIL confederal secretary Lara Ghinglione, who did not forget to attack President Meloni: “CGIL condemns all forms of violence, as it has always done and will always do. Our history and our practice. I find it surprising that we, the Prime Minister, can question this.” “Given this different premise,” the union leader continues, “we are the ones asking him how he plans to respond to Saturday’s massive demonstration, which appeals to everyone who wants this culture to change. A country that marginalizes women, treats them as property, subjects them to violence. The repressive response from the government is enough not.”
Fassino is a voice from the choir
The only centre-left representative who has lent his face and voice to this campaign is PD MP Piero Fassino. Given the utter indifference felt in his team these days, his is more of a lonely bell than an outlier: “It is unacceptable for troublemakers to attack members of the Pro Vita Association during the major demonstration against violence against women. In all forms” Violence, no matter who it is directed at, must be condemned and any but It must be opposed without either or but.”
Source: Today IT

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.