BBB wants to discuss concerns with PVV, VVD and NSC about working with Wilders

BBB calls on PVV, VVD and NSC to meet to discuss concerns about working with Geert Wilders. The conversation should include, among other things, the constitutional intentions of the PVV and the parties’ doubts about them.

“Whether you can reach an agreement in a meeting is another matter, but I find it strange that people don’t even talk to each other,” BBB boss Van der Plas said after speaking to Scout Plasterk today. He believes having the four parties coming together would be a sign that they take citizens seriously.

According to Van der Plas, parties should stop addressing each other on social media: “If you can talk to each other on Twitter, you can talk to each other at the table,” said the BBB boss. On Twitter, PVV boss Wilders, now called X, accused NSC boss Omtzigt of “political games” this morning. This was Wilders’ second attack on Omtzigt in a short time.

thought of power

PVV boss wants to form a cabinet with NSC, VVD and BBB, but NSC boss Omtzigt told Scout yesterday that he does not want to negotiate the formation of a coalition. The PVV boss later accused Omtzigt of “old administrative culture” and “power thinking”.

After his meeting with Plasterk yesterday, Omtzigt explained that he sees obstacles to cooperation with the PVV, and that, among other things, the program points of this party violate the constitution. “There are obstacles, among other things, in the area of ​​the rule of law.”

Regarding the NSC’s constitutional objections, Van der Plas said today that Wilders should be given the opportunity to clearly state which plans he is staying away from in his meeting with other parties. The BBB boss talked about the possibility that the parties could create some kind of “core document” that would say, for example, that people would not be excluded.

D66, CDA and SP

A few more people from other parties came to meet Scout Plasterk today. However, neither of them currently play a major role in the squad.

The biggest of the others today was D66 leader Jetten. He believes that based on the election results, negotiations should be initiated between the PVV, VVD, BBB and NSC. After meeting with observer Plasterk, Jetten spoke of the combination of “the conservative right, which has a clear majority in the parliament, and the far right.”

CDA boss Bontenbal has a slightly different view. He believes it is now the turn of the four largest parties to hold exploratory talks, including GroenLinks-PvdA. Bontenbal has called for a “cabinet with a stable majority” and thinks his CDA will see a role in the opposition.

SP leader Marijnissen is also of the opinion that the four largest parties should take the lead in the formation. After a meeting with Scout Plasterk, he said the formation “doesn’t look good yet” and progress needs to be made quickly.

Source: NOS
