Rome, on the streets against anti-Semitism: from Salvini to the Democratic Party, politics unites

Today, at 7pm, politics unites against anti-Semitism and terrorism. He will do so in Piazza del Popolo, in Rome, to respond to the appeal of Noemi Di Segni, president of Ucei, Union of Italian Jewish Communities, and Victor Fadlun, head of the Jewish Community of Rome. There will be Matteo Salvini, who has been on Israel’s side since the beginning. In fact, we cannot forget the demonstration organized by the League on November 4th in Milan. But today a delegation from the Democratic Party will also be present. Barring any surprises, Elly Schlein will not be present, but members of his secretariat will certainly be present. A somewhat unexpected stance. It is the first time, in fact, after two months since the Hamas massacre on October 7th, that the Nazarene has chosen to show its face without fear of antagonizing the pro-Palestinian people.

What probably convinced the Democratic Party was the appeal of Senator Liliana Segre, who invited everyone to gather tonight in Piazza del Popolo: «We always think that it’s over, that the world has moved on. And instead we have to see Jews hunted down and killed again because they are Jews; called to exonerate themselves as Jews; forced to hide as Jews.” The senator, a Shoah survivor, enthusiastically joined the demonstration. A month ago he had already expressed his dismay at what had happened: “I don’t feel like talking about this subject because otherwise I feel like I lived in vain”. Today’s square was called to “say no to all forms of extremism, to defend and reaffirm the constitutional rights of freedom of religion, thought and expression”. Di Segni and Fadlun recall in a note that “Italian Jews have always they were part of the social fabric of the country, enriching it with an ancient culture and respecting all social, cultural, political and religious structures.” The images of the last few weeks that we have unfortunately become accustomed to must have hurt: the flags with the Star of David burning in the square, pro-Hamas slogans, insults and threats to Israel defined as a “terrorist State”, as if the terrorists were not the ones who raped and massacred defenseless women and children on October 7th.

Among the political forces that joined the demonstration in Piazza del Popolo are also the Five Star Movement, which will participate with its delegation, and Action. “M5S is determined to combat any form of anti-Semitism, hatred, intolerance and discrimination anywhere and by any means,” write Grillini. “We must continue to fight tirelessly against all forms of intolerance, racism, anti-Semitism and totalitarianism. For this reason, Azione firmly supports the demonstration”, explains Carlo Calenda in X. The only other time that politics came together in defense of Israel was after the Hamas attack. It was October 10th, on the occasion of the torchlight procession organized by Il Foglio. In addition to several ministers, all the majority parties (Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, Forza Italia, FdI and Noi Moderati) and almost all opposition parties (Pd, Più Europa, Italia Viva and Azione) were present. Then the conflict began. And the left began to increase the distance. Today may be the opportunity to erase all distinctions.

Source: IL Tempo
