General Roberto Vannacci “was not removed, but replaced”, “enjoys all the rights of defense provided” and was appointed to a new position based on the principles of “opportunity and impartiality”, in consideration of the investigation against him. This was said by the Minister of Defense, Guido Crosetto, responding today in the Chamber of Deputies to a question with an immediate answer from Riccardo Magi (+Europe). After having stated that he had already provided “all possible clarifications”, including the “detailed note” from two days ago, Crosetto reiterated that on August 21st General Vannacci “was replaced, not removed” from his position as commander of the Military Geographic Institute. position and that the new role assigned to him – Chief of Staff of the Army’s Land Operational Forces – “is in line with his role, position and acquired experience”. Furthermore, it is “a senior position, with no external projection”, specified the minister.
Crosetto recalled that the “summary” investigation was opened on August 18th and closed on October 16th and that the proposal for a “formal” investigation authorized by him was notified on December 4th. “Reasons of opportunity and impartiality suggested not assigning the general to the top area of the two investigations, which limited the possibilities of his hiring,” explained the minister. Regarding the investigation, for which Mauro D’Ubaldi was appointed general investigator, Crosetto invoked a “strict need for confidentiality”. The Minister of Defense also spoke about the evolution of the conflict in Ukraine. “Hamas is not a credible interlocutor, despite what some would have us believe otherwise, and it does not represent the cause of the Palestinian people. I believe there is almost complete agreement about the terrorist nature of Hamas, which came to power in Gaza through violence. “, he said in his briefing to the House on humanitarian aid in the Middle East.
“The terrorist group employs criminal tactics and procedures, such as using civilian infrastructure, mainly hospitals, but also mosques, kindergartens and schools, for war purposes and using civilians as human shields. – added Crosetto – At the same time, Israeli bombings do not guarantee discrimination between legitimate and illegitimate targets and this gives rise to a dramatic situation that complicates the efforts of the international community to alleviate the suffering of civilians and resolve the conflict”, he concluded.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.