It was supposed to be an “unchangeable” maneuver but in the end the Meloni government, through the voice of Undersecretary of Economy Licia Albano, agreed for the speakers to present some amendments in addition to the four already presented by the majority in recent days. Let’s start with these four texts already planned. One prevents the cutting of pensions for doctors and health professionals, one the renewal of the contracts of the Carabinieri, the Police and the Guardia di Finanza, a third intervenes to provide additional resources to the Regions. The fourth provides for financing the work to begin the construction of the bridge over the Strait of Messina. A measure that has already sparked controversy from the opposition, which accuses the executive of having “lightened” the burden on the State coffers by using 2.3 billion euros from development and cohesion funds. In fact, it goes from 11.63 billion euros to 9,312 million euros. A transfer of resources that the opposition compared to “Mussolini’s famous tanks”. With regard to the “new” changes, in total there are 17 changes and 3 sub-changes by rapporteurs Guido Quintino Lirisi from the FdI, Elena Testor from the League and Dario Damiani from Forza Italia. A movement that Francesco Boccia, leader of the Democratic group in the Senate, defined as “a very serious fact”. «Tonight the mask was removed and “under cover of darkness” it presented around twenty changes that are real hints» concluded Boccia.
In addition to the more substantial changes, a series of smaller measures emerged, as often happens in budget laws. They vary between 750 thousand euros, over three years, for veterinary expenses for people over 65 years old with ISEE less than 16,215 euros. But there is also an allocation of 200 thousand euros per year, for three years, for a daycare center in Montereale Valcellina, a center with 4,400 euros of inhabitants in the province of Pordenone. Another 200 thousand euros over the next three years will be allocated to the restoration of a property in the small center of Poggio Reale, in the province of Trapani, to be allocated to the archaeological museum. Among the changes, the creation of the new Administrative Gazette stands out with an allocation of 100 million euros to reinforce the administrative capacity of public administrations. To promote road safety education in schools, a Fund for the promotion of road safety was created, with an allocation of 400 thousand euros for 2024, aimed at creating innovative laboratories.
Voting in the Senate budget committee did not start yesterday, as expected, and the deadline for sub-amendments to the texts presented by the government and the rapporteurs was postponed until today, at 3 pm, even though the deadline could be further postponed given the complexity of the topics covered. The text of the maneuver is expected in the Senate on Monday, December 18, but it is not excluded that it could be delayed for a few days if the commission is unable to complete the examination, voting on the amendments and the rapporteur’s mandate. For the most part, even if the issue of changes has been resolved, the super bonus problem remains. While the Prime Minister and Minister Giorgetti are adamant about the deadline set for December 31, Forza Italia is pushing for a three-month extension. At least for those who have already completed at least 70% of the work and who could finish it this way. The schedules have already been defined, once the exam is approved in the Senate it will be up to the Chamber, which will be obliged to discuss and approve the maneuver between December 29th and 30th, barring further delays. In case of postponement beyond the last day of the year, Parliament must vote on a law authorizing this extraordinary measure for a period not exceeding 4 months. When the exceptional regime is activated, the government is not authorized to adopt the budgetary changes foreseen in the budget, but must limit itself to managing the ordinary operations of the administration. Yet another reason to run.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.