Autonomy in the Chamber on January 8th. «About autonomy, I don’t have a pessimistic view regarding all the difficulties. There was a serious discussion, but solutions were found. We wanted to face the problems and solve them. The text was released with all the answers and I believe it will be scheduled for January 8th.” Roberto Calderoli, Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomies, says this on stage at Atreju, the Fratelli d’Italia event that started this afternoon. «I believe it is a provision that will provide answers for the North and growth prospects for the South: this way the South and the country cannot move forward and we need to change. There will be – guarantees the minister – minimum essential levels, it will have to be like this in the North, Center and South. This for me is an act of civility.”
Satisfaction is also expressed by the governor of Veneto, Luca Zaia. «The expected moment of autonomy in the January parliamentary discussion, cited by Minister Calderoli, confirms that the steps towards reform continue. Each step, which may seem technical but necessary to frame the reform, brings us closer to the finish line. The timing of the works, which should be made official with the resumption of the Senate’s work at the beginning of the new year, confirms the concreteness of the path taken and the seriousness of this Government in conducting the autonomist project. Veneto follows closely and with gratitude this work of Minister Calderoli, Prime Minister Meloni and the entire government team.” Thus, the president of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, upon hearing the news that the Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomy Roberto Calderoli, on the sidelines of his speech today in Atreju, raised the hypothesis of January 8 as the date to take the debate to the Senate plenary on the autonomy reform law.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.