The migration emergency has occupied the government since its inauguration. 2023 will continue to be the symbolic year of Italy’s ability to impose its own guidelines on the migratory flow in Europe. Many results were obtained. Mainly thanks to the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi.
In the last two months, landings have decreased significantly. A trend that is destined to last?
“In addition to weather conditions that discourage departures, we are beginning to see the effects of collaboration agreements with Tunisia and Libya, the two main transit countries. The continuation of this collaboration and its intensification make us confident that the downward trend in arrivals will be confirmed next year.”
How is the agreement with Tunisia progressing?
«This year, Tunisia blocked 83,944 departures, including migrants brought back ashore and people blocked before boarding, a number 192% higher than the previous year. This gives an idea of the effort that Tunis is making and what would have happened if, as some expected, we did not support collaboration with Tunisia. A similar reasoning can be made with Libya. In 2024, we intend to reinforce this collaboration on the side of assisted voluntary repatriations, helping Tunisia and Libya to intercept migrants when they enter their national territory. They themselves have asked us this several times. It is a project that could benefit from European funding and the contribution of international humanitarian organizations.”
Are there delays in the construction of the new CPRs and where will they be located?
“No delays. More simply, it is the time needed to identify the areas and then design and build the sites. Furthermore, renovation work is already underway at existing centers in order to bring them back to full operational capacity. Furthermore , we are also focusing a lot on centers where accelerated border procedures can be carried out: one has already been opened in Pozzallo while preparatory actions are underway to create two others.”
Are repatriations increasing or is it still difficult to send back to their country those who do not have the right to stay in Italy?
«Despite inheriting a difficult situation, this year we recorded a 10% increase in repatriations. It is still not enough for the government’s objectives that we intend to pursue mainly through the RDC implementation plan.”
Which countries of origin do you collaborate with and which others do you intend to sign cooperation agreements with?
«We already have collaboration agreements with many countries where migrants come from (Tunisia, Egypt, Nigeria, Morocco). With the extension of the CPR network we will be able to make these agreements even more effective. In fact, as statistics show, CPR are crucial for the repatriation of irregular migrants.”
Are you worried about the suspension of the agreement with Albania, which was supposed to host two migrant centers?
“No problem. In accordance with the legitimate provision of the Albanian legal system, only the ratification of the agreement with Italy is temporarily suspended. The expected times will, however, be compatible with the objectives we set for ourselves. We are confident that the project will advance.”
The opposition says it is just propaganda because there are few places available in Albania. And truth?
«Some members of the opposition sometimes do anything to support unregulated immigration that opens the doors to practically everyone. The implementation of the project in Albania, which also promises to be effective in terms of deterrence, will be the best denial of these statements”.
Almost a year has passed since the decree on NGOs. What results did it produce?
«The percentage of irregular arrivals transported by NGOs has decreased without this having been to the detriment of the rescue of people who are secured by our institutions who are responsible for this and are adequately prepared for these activities».
The government has defined the governance of the Mattei Plan for Africa, but the content has not yet been defined. When will it produce tangible effects?
«It is a project that aims to coordinate and finalize the many initiatives already underway and the additional ones that will be created from scratch. The aim is to multiply its effects, making them in line with the government’s spirit: supporting the socio-economic development of third countries to address and resolve the root causes that lead to irregular departures. The implementation of the plan is part of those stable and lasting solutions that government action aims to solve at the root of the problem of illegal immigration and much more”.
What do you think about the financing of Casarini’s NGO and the opposition deputies who allegedly passed on confidential financial information to him?
“I do not usually comment on matters that are under investigation by judicial authorities.”
You spoke of 28 thousand sensitive targets in Italy, is the risk of terrorism still high?
«We also need to pay attention to a risk that we can currently consider undefined. The crisis in the Middle East and the various sources of tension at international level make this necessary.”
What are the results of the fight against the jihadist threat in terms of arrests and expulsions?
«Attention to terrorist risk, especially of a jihadist nature, has always been high, even before the current crisis. Since the beginning of the year, there have been 70 expulsions for reasons of national security, including 20 after 7 October. These numbers speak volumes about the commitment we are making to prevention. We absolutely must not let our guard down.”
Do you see the risk of an anti-Semitic trend in our country?
«Our country is a country with full cultural and democratic maturity. It will never be able to fall back into racist tendencies that have already been defeated by history. In the face of the episodic and limited resurgence of anti-Semitic stereotypes and prejudices, we must all be united in rejecting such digressions in the bud.”
What results is the Caivano decree producing in the fight against youth crime?
«On the youth crime front, we have launched a series of measures that in the short and medium term will give concrete results, first of all thanks to the new intervention instruments offered to the police forces and the judiciary. High-impact actions were also carried out in the territory with the use of hundreds of agents to combat youth gangs. This issue obviously cannot be addressed solely at the level of repression, but must be addressed above all at the level of prevention. Precisely in the Caivano area we also started investments and above all in terms of the overall reinforcement of the social, educational and cultural offer. To provide new opportunities and references for young people, for example, a sports complex will be reactivated and entrusted to Fiamme Oro, a sports group of the State Police. It is a model that has already given good perspectives in other similar contexts.”
After a year in government, is there anything you think more could have been done?
«It must be said that it was legitimate to expect something more in relation to the landings of illegal immigrants, even if for now this encourages us to reflect on what would have happened if we had not adopted the important containment actions introduced in recent months. These are measures that could take effect next year.”
However, is there anything that makes you particularly proud?
«I demand a global strategy that has the general objective of bringing police forces increasingly closer to people, in territories, among people, in places with high traffic and where there are worrying phenomena. We are having success in the areas of police stations and nightlife, in drug trafficking areas, in hospitals with dozens of new police stations. We will do this increasingly by also strengthening the number of the State Police, the Carabinieri and the Financial Police. In 2023, more than 14,500 units entered service with a positive balance, net of turnover, of almost 4,000 hires, reversing a negative trend that we had seen in recent years. Because for us, the use of resources for security does not represent a cost, but rather a fundamental investment for the future. There is still a lot to do, but this is the line we will continue in 2024.”
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.