In the Leonardo La Russa case, the Prosecutor’s Office filed a “revenge porn” case for the videos from the evening.

Milan prosecutor’s office, Leonardo Apache La Russa (son of Senate president Ignazio) and Tommaso Gilardoni. The interrogation of the duo, who is already accused of raping a 22-year-old child, was heard recently. The complaint came from the alleged victim’s lawyer after he became aware of the existence of the videos. Reported that the investigation is currently being conducted by unknown persons MilanToday.

In his brief complaint, the lawyer refers to “press reports” but does not name those he allegedly spread. Sia La Russa jr. He said that their DJ friend Tommaso Gilardoni, who is also under investigation, always defended them by claiming that the 22-year-old consented to the recording of the 22-year-old on his mobile phone at the house in La Russa where the abuse allegedly took place and that he was aware of it.

Some videos were shot by Gilardoni and La Russa that night, covering 18-19 May. Investigators found a very short video on Leonardo’s phone, but it did not contain any sexually explicit content. The other videos mentioned must have been on Gilardoni’s phone and were made by La Russa, which were handed over on December 12, when Leonardo Apache’s friend was being interviewed during interrogation.

Prosecutors currently have only oral accounts of the videos produced by Tommaso Gilardoni. According to the young DJ, the images contained nothing but consensual intercourse with the girl: a self-filming game to which the young woman agreed. For this reason, the videos are not yet included in the investigation documents.

Source: Today IT

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