Devices with universal chargers will be mandatory in the Netherlands from December 2024

Implementation date announced: From 28 December 2024, almost all new battery-powered electrical devices in the Netherlands must have the same connection. These include mobile phones, tablets, headsets, video gaming devices, computer mice and e-readers. From April 2026, the rules will also apply to new laptops.

Politicians have long debated implementing a uniform USB-C charging standard. In October last year, the European Parliament voted unanimously in favor of a universal charging plug. Therefore, it will be another year before consumers in the Netherlands only need chargers for new devices.


The Council of Ministers approved the proposal of Minister of Economy and Climate Adriaansens. He believes consumers are incurring unnecessary costs by having to purchase different chargers.

And he emphasizes that this is also difficult. “We want to reduce the clutter of different chargers we all need,” the minister said. It says old, discarded chargers create thousands of tonnes of electronic waste in Europe every year.


Starting in December 2024, consumers will be able to decide for themselves whether they want to buy a new device with or without a charger. There is a symbol on the packaging of the products indicating whether it has a charger or not.

Source: NOS


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