Criticism of Petro for ending the mining delegation to the department of Antioquia

Given what the Minister of Mines has said, Andres Camachoreplied: ‘Former President, the Constitutional Court interpreted the scope of the delegations provided for in Article 14 of Law 489 of 1998 and indicated in Sentence C-727 of 2000 that the delegation between entities cannot represent a final division of powers, but rather a temporary exercise of cooperation between entities”.

He also stated that Petrism has proposed “to transform the country’s mining policy, solve the problems inherited by a lack of planning that has led to social, environmental and territorial conflicts, the recognition of small-scale mining, ancestral mining, mining of the subsistence level and making it amenable to formalization, as well as the creation of a Colombian mineral company Ecominerales, to combat illegality of an institutional nature. The @ANMColombia has increased its presence, by 2024 we will reach 20 service offices, Antioquia will have the management to progress in the organization, consolidation and improvement of this important activity for the country. “No centralism, no revenge, it’s about organizing the country’s mining and energy policies.”

And the former president Alvaro Uribe He was saddened by the decision: “As President I tried to express affection for all regions of the country, I never discriminated where electoral luck was not in my favor. Vetoing any region of the country erodes the feeling of national unity.”

Source: El Heraldo

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