Superbonus, the pressure of Forza Italia: who cares about the extension proposal

Today at the Council of Ministers, Forza Italia wants to bring a decree-law on the Superbonus. Antonio Tajani declared that: «We are working towards an extension of the super bonus, especially for those whose employment exceeds 70%, we will see whether in Milleproroghe or other legislative solutions». In short, the tug of war with Mef continues. Giancarlo Giorgetti, a staunch supporter of stopping the bonus, reiterates the line: «I have data from the last few months that are even worse, in terms of expenses for public finances, compared to those predicted by Nadef. Then Parliament will decide, but, as far as I am concerned, I know in my heart the limits of what I can do and I will say so in the Council of Ministers”, he assures.

Not only. “With great caution and great courage we must come off this LSD that we have been taking for 4 years – he says without mincing words – and slowly eliminate all these measures that we cannot afford”. According to FI, in any case, negotiations between Tajani and Giorgetti exist and are at an “advanced” stage, guarantees the leader of the Italian group on the Chamber’s Budget Committee, Roberto Pella. And if, in the first drafts that circulate, there is no intervention on the subject, it is Pella himself who imagines a solution: there could be «a proposal that comes directly from Palazzo Chigi with a change that can be proposed within the scope of the thousand extensions. In addition to the instrument, we want to guarantee a solution that allows us to safeguard the economic framework”

Source: IL Tempo


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