The Council of Ministers, sources from Palazzo Chigi report after the meeting that gave the green light to the legislative decree on the super bonus, approved some interventions relating to construction bonuses, bringing the related discipline back to common sense and its correct purposes: none are planned extension, but work is encouraged by limiting misuse and distortions. In particular, we intervene in the super bonus, the seismic premium and incentives for the removal of architectural barriers. With the green light to the legislative decree on the super bonus, all jobs certified until 12/31 are safeguarded and the most disadvantaged citizens are protected. The tax credit will be recognized for all work carried out and certified until December 31, 2023; for works still to be carried out, the 70% bonus was confirmed. Individuals with an ISEE of less than 15 thousand euros, significantly increased depending on the members of the household, are guaranteed a credit of 110% also for the part of the work that is not certified on December 31st. Basically, anyone who has not completed the work within a year will not find themselves in the serious situation of having to repay all the credits accumulated up to that point. Secondly, for works not completed by December 31st and to compensate for the portion that will fall from 110 to 70%, the State will intervene using the poverty fund with the right to increase its capacity during the year. This way, less favored groups will not have to bear the difference.
Antonio Tajani, secretary of Forza Italia, also wanted to reassure people about the controls: «There will be controls» to prevent possible fraud, «but here we are talking about respectable people, condominiums and companies that respected the rules. Forza Italia – continued Tajani – has always been concerned with protecting respectable, less well-off people, who with the end of the super bonus would not have been able to complete the work and would have found themselves in difficulties. The super bonus provision was positive in theory, but it was very poorly managed by the Conte government and left a hole in the state coffers. Now – concluded Tajani – we are trying to remedy the damage caused, helping companies and less privileged citizens”. The year 2023 “closes with a more than positive balance regarding the fiscal reform implementation process”, said Maurizio Leo, deputy minister of Economy and Finance, in a note. «Today the Council of Ministers definitively approved, in addition to the two from last week, four other legislative decrees: collaborative compliance, tax litigation, taxpayer status and the first module of the Irpef reform that reduces the levels from 4 to 3. They are very Important measures, which with thousands of euros for subjects with an ISEE lower than this value guaranteed 110% credit also for the portion of non-sworn works until December 31st, will contribute to simplifying the tax system, making it fairer and more dynamic”.
In detail, explains Leo, “firstly, the framework relating to Irpef rates is simplified, with greater tax savings for lower-middle income groups, that is, those most exposed to continuous changes in the international economic and financial framework”. Léo then explained that the government will intervene: «Also in tax disputes with the aim of speeding up and simplifying processes, reinforcing remote hearings, the digitalization of the process as well as the institution of judicial conciliation to resolve disputes into cassation. For companies, the access thresholds for the collaborative compliance regime are also changed (from 2028 those with a turnover not exceeding 100 million euros will also be covered). In doing so, the relationship of trust between financial administration and the taxpayer will be strengthened, with an increase in the level of certainty on relevant tax issues”. From what we found, the cut in deductions for donations to political parties failed. The measure was not approved by the Council of Ministers.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.