+Europa’s inclusive nativity scene, Tajani: “We’ll leave him alone”

“The beauty of traditions… is that they can change!”: with this phrase and with images of inclusive nativity scenes, +Europa wished its voters happy holidays. The party’s choice to include different families in the representation of the nativity scene aroused fierce controversy. On social media, in particular, many users did not like the decision to force the change. The news was announced by Giuseppe Brindisi on Zona bianca, a politics and current affairs program on Rete 4. In particular, as a guest in the first part of the episode, it was Antonio Tajani who spoke about the matter.

“I have a nativity scene at home, I do that,” began the deputy prime minister and leader of Forza Italia, before continuing: “Actually, it’s my wife who does it very well. 3. — We have both at the house in Rome and at Fiuggi — he said. Then the chancellor went straight to the heart of the matter, that is, the flood of criticism unleashed by the choice of +Europa, and added: “Let’s leave the nativity scene alone. Let’s leave the Madonna, Saint Joseph, the ox and the donkey. Let’s forget that .” “I said that the Eternal Father doesn’t look at people’s sexual tastes, but let’s not desecrate the nativity scene,” concluded Tajani.

Source: IL Tempo

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