Northern League member attacking Salvini: “The bridge over the Bosphorus is a complete nonsense”

The bridge over the Strait of Messina? “Crazy shit”, quoting Fantozzi’s famous joke. This was stated by former MP of the Union, Paolo Grimoldi, during an event in Melegnano (Milan) to commemorate the thirty years since the founding of the local branch of the party. Grimoldi is still a member of the party and is among the leaders of the “Northern Committee”, founded some time ago by Umberto Bossi, which criticizes the policies of secretary Matteo Salvini and, above all, the national “turning point” of North Korea. Party. Given that Salvini was infrastructure minister in Giorgia Meloni’s government, Grimoldi’s attack (long a rough one on the Northern League leadership) seems even more direct.

“4 billion for the bridge over the Strait of Messina, I tell you frankly, I think this is crazy nonsense,” the former Monza MP said. And I can’t stand being told, as I was told before when I was smoking, ‘I went to book a CT scan in the Lombardy region and they gave it to me in May-June 2024’ and then at 8am in the morning I left 14 to build the Messina bridge on the Milan ring road. We give billion. “For a fee, you double it in the current year and we bottle it.” The attack is not over: “I want a party to do what it tells me the day before the vote, during the election campaign and the day after, and not the other way around. Otherwise, Mastella is better,” he said. “The person who says that one day he was only thinking about the south, and the next day he said he was only thinking about the south.”

Paolo Grimoldi, born in Milan in 1975 but hailing from Monza, has been a member of the Association since 1991. Federal coordinator of Po Valley youth, he served as a state councilor in Milan in 2004 and as a member of parliament from 2006 to 2022. In 2015, he was elected national secretary of the League in Lombardy, succeeding Salvini and holding the post until 2021. In 2020, he said “no” to the constitutional referendum on reducing the number of parliamentarians, in opposition to the Union’s official line. He was the third candidate on the multi-member list in the 2022 general elections and could not be re-elected.

Source: Today IT

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