A trip that ended without deaths, without dramas, without obvious difficulties. However, the left found, this time too, a way to discuss with the government. Pointing the finger, accusing the majority of conservatives of “lack of sensitivity”. The disembarkation operations of the ship Geo Barents, a vessel belonging to the NGO Doctors Without Borders, have just been completed. Docking postponed for 24 hours due to poor conditions in the Adriatic. There were 336 immigrants on board and among these 34 were minors. This is the largest number of migrants ever disembarked in Emilia-Romagna in the history of this region.
«As always, we are ready to do our part to ensure that these people, forced to flee dramatic situations, often war, can receive the help they need, because this is Emilia-Romagna, a land that has solidarity and spirit of welcome in its DNA – highlighted the regional Welfare advisor, Igor Taruffi -. However, I consider the government’s decision to continue to designate Ravenna as a disembarkation port for migrants arriving from distant locations, incomprehensible days of sailing from rescue points, rather than locating closer moorings, further prolonging the time in sea for those who are already suffering and need help.”
In short, the usual complaint from the left, which theorizes open and welcome ports, but then wants immigrants to be able to disembark, all of them, only in the South. A kind of expanded Capalbio model. Africans are welcome, but on the outskirts of big cities. “The number of unaccompanied minors on board these ships is also worrying – adds Taruffi -. A situation whose management becomes an emergency, in which we ask the government to lend a hand and do its part. in the same way as the previous one ended, with the demonstration that the repeated statements by the political forces that govern today, about alleged naval blockades and interruption of landings, were nothing more than words in the wind, political slogans dictated by the convenience of the moment. The reality is much more complex.”
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.