Elly Schlein leads Democratic Party deputies to retreat to attack the government. Lunar scenes from Gubbio, where the democratic leader arrived at the Park Hotel ai Cappuccini resort for a quick intervention. It may be the relaxed and somewhat sleepy atmosphere of the conclave, but Schlein’s speech does not seem to increase the morale of his troops and continues to underline how ugly and evil the majority are. Curious, given that it was a two-day event to bring Democrats together on the issues that should be distinctive in the coming months of opposition. “There is no social right. Everything they have done since they have been in government is to increase inequalities”, says the secretary of the Democratic Party.
In terms of proposals, we are always present, regarding the minimum wage: “The social issue and the environmental issue are closely linked. and more the poor. For this reason, among the first priorities we established, the first battle was the minimum wage. We must recover common ground on social justice. According to polls in Italy, seventy percent are in favor of the minimum wage. We will not abandon this battle. We will not let these six months pass without carrying out this battle, in the ways we will decide with the other oppositions”.
Schlein responds to what he considers “ruminations” about bringing parliamentarians to the resort with a massage center: “The spa was closed, no one came here in a bathing suit and, above all, no one brought a weapon.” A very clear reference to the case of deputy Fratelli d’Italia who fired shots at the party of undersecretary Andrea Delmastro. Not only. Schlein recalls the investigation into the painting by Undersecretary Vittorio Sgarbi and the case of the train stopped by Minister Francesco Lollobrigida when, addressing his followers, he ironically warns them: “When leaving the rooms, do not take the paintings away. by train, don’t stop before reaching your destination.” Then the attack in defense of the Report journalists, authors of the investigation into the prime minister’s father: “Meloni surpassed Berlusconi: these attacks on the right to inquiry not even with the Bulgarian decrees . I don’t know if they are Hungarian decrees. They are attacks that are not worthy of a democracy. Solidarity with the Report”.
But why did Schlein arrive at the deputies only for a quick intervention after the seminar had already ended? Did you have any special commitments? The justification is surreal. “I’ve seen a lot of rumination in the last few days: I arrived today because last night I went to see a wonderful film called Krypton, a film that anyone who is dismantling public health should see. is felt by younger generations”, says the secretary. Who went to the cinema yesterday…
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.