Fratoianni makes a mea culpa and admits the disaster of the left: everything in no specific order

The Meloni government continues undisturbed, also due to the left’s inability to form a united opposition. Also admitting what the center-right continually says is the national secretary of the Italian Left Nicola Fratoianni, parliamentarian of the Green Left Alliance, in an interview that appears in today’s edition of Il Manifesto: “A few months ago we launched in our congress the proposal to If we act together as an opposition, it seems to me that we continue to move forward without a specific order, even in the proposals where there was convergence. All the more so as convergence must also be built on other themes.”

“The worrying fact is that – Fratoianni emphasizes – the majority builds its unity around power while the opposition remains backward and immature. The construction of the alternative cannot be disqualified or postponed until the last minute. Imagining that the coalition will eventually form is a fatal error. The right-wing built an idea of ​​society and based on it created hegemony and consensus but it does not have a majority in the country, so it is necessary to re-motivate people to vote and build a possible alternative.” Then the final comment: “We, with our positions , we continue to tell others ‘If not now, when?’”.

Source: IL Tempo
