Giorgia Meloni returns to the Chamber, duels with Elly Schlein and Giuseppe Conte

Giorgia Meloni is against everyone. In the now periodic “premiere time” the Prime Minister responded to requests from parliamentarians who asked him to report on the hot topics of recent weeks. The pattern is the same seen in other cases, with minority leaders pressing him on critical issues, him reiterating that the problems come from far away, and explaining the reasons for the government’s actions.

Prime Minister: “We are not against the South. Conte governments borrowed 250 billion dollars”

“There are a lot of strange instrumental restructurings, including one that suggests this government is betraying the South,” Meloni explained. Fortunately, facts and figures are always stronger than arguments.” This is clearly a reference to differentiated autonomy, a law that, according to the opposition, especially the Democratic Party, would divide Italy into a rich north and an increasingly impoverished south.

“In the past – said the prime minister – we have seen tens of billions of dollars go unspent, but with this government there will be a change of pace. The south will be able to compete on equal terms and show its value”. Again, responding to a question from the 5 Star Movement about the Stability Pact: “In less than three years, the government – answered the prime minister – increased the M5S public debt by 250 billion. Were those approved with the new Stability Pact the rules we would have written? No. Certain conditions The best possible deal under?Yes, this is because when you come to the negotiating table with a 5.3 percent deficit, this is primarily due to free restructuring from the second and third houses and if you try to explain that you need more flexibility, it is possible that someone will look at you with distrust and “If, despite this terrible legacy, we have still managed to bring home a good compromise, it is because we have shown in this year of government that the era of throwing away money for election campaigns is over.”

Giuseppe Conte’s attack: “You are the opposite King Midas”

In the preview shown on television, in addition to the “duel” with Democratic Party secretary Elly Schlein, he also became the center of attention with the head of the 5 Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte, who criticized relations with him on this occasion. Europe objects to a clear change of attitude towards the prime minister compared to when he was in opposition, especially on the Stability Pact, which, according to many observers, was the subject of the M5S issue, “established” and promptly signed by France and Germany. By Italy:

“The former Prime Minister announced that he deceived the Italians. He said that he would go to Brussels to shake Europe. It is Italy that is shaking here.” And then the move: “He is obsessed with the Super Bonus because he wants to deceive the Italians with this mass distraction. But the biggest fraud of the century is the fake program he offers to the voters. He goes to Europe and comes back with Italy on its knees. He wanted to help the retirees , we are in a worse situation. He wanted a naval blockade and we are in record numbers of landings. Even though he was a patriot, he sold Ita to the Germans and now he has post offices and railways… But what are you “On the contrary, King Midas destroys everything he touches. Do us a favor. “Do less, it will do less harm and Italians will be grateful.”

Schlein: “Are you in government to solve problems or to oppose them?”

However, the question presented by the Democratic Party secretary was about the shortage of medical personnel, with a request to remove the hiring barrier in the sector, an issue that Democrats care about very much. According to Schlein, the government needs to address “an outdated rule that was stuck in 2009.”


Again on this occasion, the prime minister responded by referring to previous governments: “As my colleague Schlein remembers, the upper limit on spending on medical personnel was introduced in 2009. I will tell you that asking us to do this is a tacit endorsement of reputation. Solve the problems that you have not been able to solve in the government for ten years.” ” To which the PD leader responded: “So, did you enter the government to solve the problems, or to continue to remain in the opposition by blaming the problems you created on others? Because when the recruitment limit was introduced in 2009, he was there in the government, as a minister.” On the sidelines of her speech, Elly Schlein expressed concern about the constant attacks of the prime minister and his majority on the press: “Giorgia Meloni, she told reporters at Transatlantico, launched the Hungarian campaign with very violent attacks on the freedoms of the press, the independence of the judiciary and the trade unions.” “investigations accompanied by investigations. We have already seen this in countries that describe themselves as illiberal democracies.”

Source: Today IT

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