A fury in defense of the agricultural world. Francesco Lollobrigida, minister in the Meloni government, dedicated a long post on Facebook following the controversy of recent days. And it’s harsh: “The left and some journalists who grew up on champagne laugh at us because we never miss an opportunity to promote our products and thank our farmers, fishermen, artisans and entrepreneurs. Furthermore, the smell of manure does not reach their offices and newsrooms. They think that the meat they eat, when they don’t neglect it to follow the most advanced fashions, comes from the supermarket refrigerator. They will probably feel better if they protect the environment on sheets of paper, compared to those who have done it for real, for millennia and with a lot of sweat.”
“They are the same people who – insists Lollobrigida – remained prone for decades, committed to a logic that forced farmers not to cultivate, fishermen not to fish, without asking themselves who would provide them with food and at what price. Ready to detail the rude Italian who does not understand the beauty of the pianist’s hands and continues to look with infinite esteem at those who marked them, as if they were rings on tree trunks, for each day of work. They demand holidays and get irritated when they have to work on Sundays, not knowing that for some people all days are the same, as plants and animals always need them. They turned the world upside down with their greenwashing speeches (like turning manure into chocolate), but the knots of the story always come back home. It was they, with their governments waiting to receive orders from Brussels, who brought us here, with thousands of companies closed and many still at risk of the same dramatic end. They are the ones who applaud every Italian failure and are shy in the face of our successes. They spit on the production that creates wealth and work, thinking of replacing it with the logic of subsidies, up to the income of citizenship”.
Then the final attack: “Whoever lives off his work and his own business is free. And they do not recognize the value and meaning of this word that fills their mouths, FREEDOM. They speak and write while still thinking that what they say is amusing… They mock those who love their homeland, in all its forms. We will repair – guarantees the Minister of Agriculture – the damage they created, with humility and patience, and every smile we find in the squares, in the factories and in the fields will reward us for having endured all the words and rivers of ink soaked in hate for these poor people , myopic and “right thinking”.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.