President Petro and Pastrana will obtain a reconciliation agreement with the Public Prosecution Service

“These allegations constitute a direct attack on my fundamental right to honor and reputation, a right that the Supreme Court has recognized as an inherent characteristic of human dignity. They are also an insult to the hundreds of officials of the national government,” the document said.

The president added that Pastrana’s statements have “significant potential” to damage his honor and discredit his government, taking into account the wide circulation of his words on the social network.

“It is clear to me that they are aware of the illegality of the said allegations and their intention seems crystal clear: to gain political relevance and representation through the manipulation and distortion of information, thus affecting not only an individual but also democracy and society.” the institutions of the state as a whole,” the complaint adds.

In response to President Petro’s action, Pastrana sent a letter to the nation’s attorney general, Francisco Barbosa, as a “defense mechanism.”

“This is an action by the Head of State that openly violates the Constitution he has sworn to defend, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the American Convention on Human Rights, to which Colombia is a party is,” the letter began. .

Source: El Heraldo
