In case of a serious threat to national security or a state of emergency, a team of 10 thousand people will be activated quickly. A military reserve, modeled on the US and Israel, that can be mobilized within just 48 hours in the event of a catastrophic event such as a dangerous situation or attack on Italian territory. This is also foreseen in the bill submitted to the Parliament by Northern League member Nino Minardo, President of the Montecitorio Defense Commission. Stating that “we must be ready for all possibilities” at the moment, Minardo added that “there is a widespread feeling in the country to prepare ourselves”.
The army of reserve forces should include 10 thousand men, not exceeding 40 years of age, drawn “exclusively from the pool of Italian citizens who have served as ‘Volunteers in the Ferma Triennale’ or ‘Volunteers in the Ferma Initiale’ and are currently on leave,” we read in the Bill. It is stated that this will “allow the selection on a voluntary basis of personnel who are already trained and trained by the Armed Forces and who are in fact suitable for useful and rapid mobilization in situations of need and emergency.”
The military reserve would be under executive control. In fact, the first and only article of the law explains that the government “may mobilize precautionary measures in times of war and serious international crisis or in serious crisis situations that may have repercussions on the security of the state.” as well as for the defense of national borders “. And again: “The government may also mobilize the reserve to use it to protect the territory, in cooperation with civil and military police forces, in the event of a state of emergency of national importance declared by the Council of Ministers.” . But be careful: Mobilization The final green light for the decision will still belong to Parliament. “The decision to mobilize the reserves shall be immediately communicated to the Chambers, which may approve or reject it within forty-eight hours from the date of its officialization.”
It didn’t take long for the reactions to come. Luana Zanella, group leader of the Greens and the Left Alliance in the Parliament, says, “For us, it is time for peacekeepers in Italy and Europe instead of reserve soldiers under the command of the government.” “Our antimilitarism makes us view the Union’s proposal with concern, also in terms of domestic issues. Perhaps an armed group ready to fire on the orders of a popularly elected Prime Minister, as Meloni wants, is another wound to democracy.” Democratic Party senator Filippo Sensi commented about X: “We missed the Gladio of the Northern League.”
Source: Today IT

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.