By unanimous vote, the National Directory of the Conservative Party did not accept the resignation of the senator and president of the community Efrain Cepeda, who handed over his resignation letter on Wednesday, February 21 in the afternoon.
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Around 9:30 a.m., the meeting began in Bogotá and began with the intervention of Barranquilla’s congressman, who could not attend the meeting in person and had to connect virtually. They then put Cepeda’s departure to a vote and consideration, but all members decided that he should remain in office.
Even the decision not to accept his resignation was also supported by the senator Carlos Trujillo, that is close to the national government.
With this unanimous measure, the Conservative Party ratified the independence towards the government. This was stated in dialogue with Blu Radio by Senator Marcos Daniel Pineda, who described the resignation as an “act of transparency and coherence of the Conservative Party.”
He stated that Cepeda “has demonstrated with his letter of resignation the independence that the party has maintained and will maintain with regard to the reforms being processed in Congress.” And he added that “we make it clear that the Conservative Party remains steadfast in its independence.”
It is worth mentioning that Senator Cepeda announced in his resignation letter that one of the reasons for his departure is that “Colombians currently expect clarity in what we represent and conviction in what we defend.”
In a statement, the bank’s Board of Directors reiterated that the community “does not have any political representation within the government” and that the appointment of the Minister of Sports Luz Cristina López Trejos “does not represent the institutional nature” of the party.
And he also warned that members of the court who are unaware of the community’s decisions could be sanctioned. “Members of the party who intend to ignore the decisions of the community will be subject to the legal procedures that sanction this type of behavior,” the document said.
Source: El Heraldo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.