With 99 yes votes, 65 no votes and 1 abstention, the Senate gave the green light to the request for confidence requested by the government regarding the Flows Decree. The text is now law. This is a measure adopted annually by the Italian government to organize the entry of foreign workers from outside the European Union, a type of regulation that establishes how many people can legally enter our country to work, both seasonal and stable, based on needs. of the job market. This decree has several purposes. On the one hand, it responds to the need for labor in sectors that are fundamental to the Italian economy, such as agriculture, tourism and family assistance. On the other hand, it regulates legal migration flows, trying to limit irregular immigration and combat phenomena such as illegal work and exploitation.
The Flows Decree 2025, provided for in Legislative Decree 145/2024, introduces some important innovations. Among them is the digitalization of procedures: from now on everything will have to be done online, from requesting entry authorization for foreign workers to signing the integration agreement, which will be completely digital. This will make the process faster and less complicated for companies and institutions. One of the most important steps is represented by the change of safe countries, which provides that, based on the qualification criteria established by European Union legislation, and the evidence obtained from sources of information provided by competent international organizations, they will be considered as such: Albania , Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cape Verde, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Morocco, Montenegro, Peru, Senegal, Serbia, Sri Lanka and Tunisia. The list, as expected, is updated periodically, has the force of law and has been notified to the European Commission.
The debate in the Palazzo Madama chamber was not without tension. “The historical phenomenon of migratory flows – the Undersecretary of the Interior, Wanda Ferro, said in the Chamber – must be governed by the State and not suffered, because only in this way is it possible to reconcile the rights of those who seek a better future in our country with the fight against interests of transnational criminal organizations that make enormous profits with absolute disregard for the lives of these people. “I find the words of those who accused us of racism and cruelty inadmissible and even offensive – the words of those who accused us of racism and cruelty: the good ones, always ready to teach lessons about humanity, those who in recent years supported indiscriminate and unregulated immigration, without proposing any alternative solution. to redistribution, the results of which we know well.” “The provocations, the threats, the waving of hands, as a majority parliamentarian did while an opposition parliamentarian was speaking, do not mean ‘be nice, we’ll talk about it later’, but it is an attitude that demeans the function for which each and every one of us are here”, attacked the leader of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi, in the chamber.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.