Maurizio Landini, signing the 5 euro contracts: sensational idiots on TV

On the one hand the “social revolt” against the government, on the other the contracts for less than 9 euros per hour signed with the support of the union. Francesco Storace points out the double standard that characterizes CGIL’s activity and in an article for Libero lists Maurizio Landini’s latest “fools” on TV. “Regarding the “social revolt”, the CGIL leader had to cower at Posto Tg2 managed by Manuela Moreno, on the night of the general strike”, reads the article that recalls the unionist’s response to the question of whether he was not playing gasoline on the fire “I am very careful and I am convinced that I used (with revolt) the exact word. We are facing a transition, we are in the middle of a democratic crisis. When half of the citizens are no longer going to vote, it means that they do not feel We are represented by no one. in this situation where people don’t make it to the end of the month because they are poor because they work.” An answer, highlights Storace, “that had as much to do with the question as cabbage for a snack.”

At Restart, Annalisa Bruchi asked Landini: “Why did you sign contracts for five euros per hour for the category of security guards, private security?” “Landini’s escape was spectacular. «We have already opened another negotiation…». But it’s not enough for Bruchi: «But did you sign these contracts or not?, a union that signs for five euros cannot tell the time”, says the presenter disconsolately… And he: “Agreements worth five or six euros are unconstitutional “, with a frankness that seemed to have been signed by others and not by CGIL. “So are you going to take it to the streets?”, urges Bruchi. And Landini, snatching the remote controls from the hands of those watching the program: “No, let’s go to Justice…” It’s the promise to sue us”, is Storace’s coup. In short, on the one hand the revolt incited by incendiary words, on the other 5 euro contracts with the union’s approval.

Source: IL Tempo
