Dossier, the investigation returns to Rome. Forza Italia: “The scandal will not evaporate”

The ongoing investigation in Perugia into illegal access to the National Anti-Mafia Directorate’s investigative databases will return to the Rome Prosecutor’s Office, where it was initiated. The investigating judge of the Umbria Court Angela Avila accepted the exception of territorial incompetence presented by the lawyer Andrea Castaldo, defender of the former anti-mafia magistrate Antonio Laudati, investigated together with the financier Pasquale Striano. But the case will not be resolved, attack Forza Italia parliamentarians. “If anyone thinks that the Prosecutor Striano-De Raho-Anti-Mafia scandal could evaporate with the possible transfer of the investigation to Rome, they are making wrong predictions. Not only because we are confident that certain places are no longer the ‘haven of fog’ that they once were, but because the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Committee will certainly make use of its extensive investigative powers”, declares the Vice-President of the Anti-Mafia Committee. -Mafia Forza Italia Anti-Mafia Commission, Mauro D’ Attis, the group leader of the Forza Italia Anti-Mafia Commission, Pietro Pittalis, and the members of the Forza Italia Anti-Mafia Commission, Maurizio Gasparri, Pierantonio Zanettin, Giuseppe Castiglione and Chiara Tenerini.

“We are sure that with President Colosimo and everyone’s commitment, we will continue and intensify the ongoing investigation. We will be able to make use of the enormous powers of the commission, question everyone involved and make decisions, including important ones. The Anti-Mafia Commission is not a think tank, but an institution that has the power to clean up and impose legality, in Via Giulia and everywhere. immunity, there will be no impunity, we will be fair, but inexorable”, says the note.

Source: IL Tempo
