The controversy over Telemeloni had already disappeared for some time, the right-wing attack on public television with the consequent flight of presenters and journalists to other margins and other (regularly higher) salaries. And so the Democratic Party decided to return to office. This time the pretext is the live broadcast by RAI of Giorgia Meloni’s speech in Atreju. The dem team announced that they want to check the duration of the Rai live broadcast. «Telemeloni attacks again. Rai broadcast Prime Minister Meloni’s speech from the stage of Atreju, the Fratelli d’Italia political event. The party led by the Prime Minister organized a party event and not an institutional initiative of national importance. We will verify that the minutes granted to Meloni are the same as those made available to leaders of other political forces and that other party representatives have the right to broadcast live nationally, from a stage, during a party event. If the live broadcast goes well for Meloni, we hope it also goes well for other leaders in the same way,” the democratic parliamentarians of the Rai Supervisory Commission said in a statement.
The confusion arises from Meloni’s strong presence in the media, both traditional and digital. Since becoming Prime Minister, her figure has acquired such importance that she often dominates television programming. But we cannot talk about a “Meloni channel” from here.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.