Meloni gained confidence in maneuver: OK with 211 “yes” answers from the room

The government, which received 211 votes in favor and 117 against, gained confidence in the Parliament regarding the 2025 budget. Announcing the final vote on the measure, it was stated that the value of the budget law would be around 30 billion. It is time to present it to the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

What’s involved in the maneuver?

The budget bill confirms and structuralizes the cut in the tax wedge and the three-rate Irpef rate plan. Expansion of baby bonus and co-payments for working mothers has been approved. Innovations for the business and working world include the IRES bonus and the possibility of retiring at the age of 64 (but with 25 years of contributions and additional pension).

Around 300 corrections were made compared to the original text: The number of MEF auditors in companies receiving public financing was eliminated, and the pressures on cryptocurrencies, whose taxation will increase to 33 percent from 2026, were eased. The web tax has also been limited and will only affect companies with a turnover of at least 750 million. All reinterpretations come directly from segments of the majority.

Regarding the prevention of turnover in public administration, the new recruitment restriction for local governments and chambers of commerce has been lifted.

Criticism from the opposition

The opposition is harsh: “What we have seen in this process of maneuvering is so shameful that the 76th vote taken since the beginning of the legislature is the least of our problems: you are in the first majority, with Bignami incriminating himself in the Commission. We are in the third budget law of the Meloni Government and what is beneficial for the country The only precautions are what we inherited from the previous Government: the election bribes, the bridge over the Bosphorus, the South under the leash of today’s powerful. It is not just about making ends meet, but who you will make to pay the bill: you. You decided to make the poorest people pay!’ ‘ Dem Ubaldo Pagano explains PD’s vote against.

“Wages are stagnant or going backwards, their ability to keep track of the cost of living is diminishing, and politics is either unable or choosing not to respond. Inequalities are increasing in the country, a few rich people are accumulating even more wealth. But if someone has billions, they need to redistribute those resources and invest in the future.” “Isn’t it right to ask for something small that will definitely not drive them into poverty?” Nicola intervened Fratoianni (Greens and Left Alliance).

Source: Today IT
