Justice, Nordio announcement: “Reform approved by summer”

In the coalition there is “unity of purpose with which the text was signed and they will support it with the same determination”. The Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, stated this in his communications to the Senate on the administration of justice, reiterating that “we will complete the approval process by the summer and “we are pleased that part of the opposition, even with different motivations and reservations, gave his adhesion.”

Next, Minister Nordio also takes a position on the controversies linked to the separation of careers between public magistrates and judges. «As I have said several times, with the intellectual awareness and moral commitment of someone who has worn the robes of a magistrate for more than forty years, it is not foreseen that, in the letter or in the “voluntas” or in the “ratio”, it provides for the submission from the Public Ministry to the Executive”. The Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, said this in the Senate, addressing the topic of constitutional reform on the separation of careers. «This absolute postulate – he added – is guaranteed by the positive norm, which implements the constitutional principle according to which jurisdiction is achieved through due process, where the parties are on equal terms before the third and impartial judge. Far from weakening the prosecution, the reform defends and strengthens the role of the judge.”

Source: IL Tempo

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